The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) is an open-standard programming language created to design three-dimensional (3-D) and web-based models, textures and illusion. VRML is used to illustrate 3-D objects, buildings, landscapes or other items requiring 3-D structure and is very similar to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). VRML also uses textual representation to define 3-D illusion presentation methods. VRML is also known as Virtual Reality Markup Language. This is a popular open standard tool for developing 3-D animations, illusions, characters and most full-scale graphical Web application representations. VRML uses text to define 3-D credentials, i.e., 3-D item coordinates and geometric transformed. VRML was an open standard that provided easy adaptability and thus was used primarily for education and experimentation. VRML was used to design virtual Web-accessible worlds but did not easily integrate with HTML, which led to the eventual X3D replacement.

The Web3D Consortium has been formed to further the collective development of the format. VRML (and its successor, X3D have been accepted as international standards by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The first version of VRML was specified in November 1994. This version was specified from, and very closely resembled, the API and file format of the Open Inventor software component, originally developed by SGI. VRML is a text file format where, e.g., vertices and edges for a 3D polygon can be specified along with the surface. Map textures, shininess, transparency, and so on. URLs can be associated with graphical components so that a web browser might fetch a webpage or a new VRML file from the Internet when the user clicks on the specific graphical component. The term VRML was coined by Dave Raggett in a paper called “Extending WWW to support Platform Independent Virtual Reality submitted to the First World Wide Web Conference in 1994, and first discussed at the WWW94 VRML BOF established by Tim Berners-Lee, where Mark Pesce presented the Labyrinth demo he developed with Tony Parisi and Peter Kennard.

In 1997, a new version of the format was finalized, as VRML97 (also known as VRML2 or VRML 2.0), and became an ISO standard. VRML97 was used on the Internet on some personal homepages and sites such as “Cyber Town”, which offered 3D chat using Blaxxu Software.

The format was championed by SGIs Cosmo Software; when SGI restructured in 1998 the division was sold to Platinum Technologies, which was then taken over by Computer Associates, which did not develop or distribute the software. VRML97 browsers that included some level of PNG support were Dimension Xs Liquid Reality, Netscapes Live3D, and Newfires Torch.

Dimension X was acquired by Microsoft in 1997, and its 3D technology was absorbed into the Liquid Motion animation tool. The Java-based Liquid Reality browser itself was discontinued, but since its PNG support was fairly buggy and usually crashed the browser (under both Solaris and Windows 95), it was never a truly usable PNG-supporting VRML browser.

VRML language is a highly realistic environment using WWW browser to browse 3D design model that allows engineering firms.

Better VRML, tools available, engineering collaboration between firms in different locations a valuable design tool will achieve. Instead of just providing drawings of components, intelligent model remote (and local) can be shared between design teams hyperlink.

In Pakistan, unfortunately we are not well aware by this technology.

Usually, I discuss about VRML in our University and Institution to the students but nobody knows it. From VRML many countries getting improvement, such as Dubai know as Internet City of the Asia, we have many other examples of VRML. I must request to scientific writers, scholars, researcher should come in arena of VRML and our students should take participation to increase awareness of this emerging technology in our country.

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