Mirpur University wins PKR 9.35m Technology Development Fund

Second Technology Development Fund (TDF) 2018 awarded to Mirpur University of science and Technology (MUST) from Higher Education Commission (HEC). MUST is succeeding day by day in research and development domain and has won PKR 9.3584 million Technology Development Fund ‘TDF’ from Higher Education Commission.

Mirpur University wins PKR 9.35m Technology Development Fund

Mirpur University of Sciences and Technology (MUST) is the only university in Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) which has won consecutive two Technology Development Fund (TDF) projects in one year that is a great accomplishment.

Under Technology Development Fund (TDF) the project named “Development of a Smart Wood Stove” was submitted to Higher Education Commission (HEC) by the end of July 2018. The project core purpose is to facilitate the hilly areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) with environment friendly, energy efficient and most important cost-effective smart wood stove.

Smart Wood Stove has been developed at the Mechanical Workshop and its testing was performed in the Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mirpur University of Science and Technology ‘MUST’.

Keeping in mind, the challenges and usage of developing smart wood fuel stove is to cover the intensifying deforestation that lead to climate change in the hilly areas of Azad Jammu Kashmir where the supply of fuels is not available and secondly, the vigorously growing respiratory diseases and Tuberculosis (TB) across Pakistan which destroys the human life.

Smart Wood Stove brings a positive change all around the globe because mainly it reduces the deforestation which ultimately brings climate change.

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