EPA Punjab Launches Extensive Earth Day 2024 Campaign

The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Punjab has embarked on a province-wide initiative to mark ‘Earth Day 2024’ on April 22.

In a resolute effort to instill environmental consciousness among the populace, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Punjab has embarked on a province-wide initiative to mark ‘Earth Day 2024’ on April 22.

Under the directive of Director General Imran Hamid, EPA Punjab is set to observe Earth Day throughout all districts of Punjab. A series of seminars and awareness sessions are scheduled to be conducted at educational institutions, industrial precincts, and district environment offices across the province.

Director General Imran Hamid emphasized the significance of cultivating organizational and leadership aptitude among students, highlighting that these activities epitomize the essence of Earth Day. He underscored the imperative of enlightening the youth about the paramount importance of environmental stewardship.

The festivities are poised to feature outdoor performances and activities, complemented by strategically placed banners and flexes carrying poignant messages aimed at raising awareness among the masses. Echoing this year’s theme, “Planet vs Plastics,” a sweeping campaign is slated to be launched across Punjab to address the proper management of plastic waste.

DG Imran Hamid elucidated that a comprehensive approach will be adopted, encompassing everything from polythene bags to solid plastic waste. Stringent actions, including heavy fines, await transgressors flouting regulations concerning polythene bag usage.

Furthermore, a concerted effort involving public-private partnerships will be fostered to promote innovative methods of plastic recycling. NGOs and industrial stakeholders are poised to play a pivotal role in this endeavor.

Emphasizing the pivotal role of district environmental officers, Imran Hamid stressed their responsibility in ensuring proper handling of plastic waste within industrial precincts. Rigorous enforcement measures will be implemented against industries found in breach of regulations governing plastic waste management.

In a bid to combat plastic pollution in waterways, all relevant agencies have been tasked with clearing canals and drains of plastic waste. Additionally, solid waste management companies have been directed to crack down on individuals resorting to the burning of plastic trash.

The inception of Earth Day dates back to April 22, 1970, pioneered by Senator Gaylord Nelson. The annual event serves as a rallying cry for ecological preservation and underscores the imperative of fostering reverence for life on the planet. It has played a pivotal role in galvanizing global awareness regarding the burgeoning crises of air, water, and soil pollution.

As the world unites to celebrate Earth Day 2024, EPA Punjab stands at the forefront of the battle for environmental sustainability, vowing to champion the cause of planet protection and advocate for a greener, more sustainable future.