National Commission for Human Development (NCHD), Community Technology Learning Centers (CTLC) Program aims at creating opportunities for the educated women of the remote areas and impart computer skills in its training courses.

educated women

According to NCHD, the Commission had collaborated with Microsoft Corporation and respective district governments to implement this program.

NCHD involved the CTLC graduates in the data entry activity at NCHD which facilitated them in acquiring jobs in the data transcription industry for these educated women.

A revolution in digital technologies has changed our way of life. Those with access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are benefiting from them in every sphere of life. They have the potential to contribute to the empowerment of women by expanding rural women’s socio-economic, political and physical spaces. However, there is a need to provide quality training opportunities to impart ICT skills to rural women.

The ICTs interventions provide ample evidence that rural women are keen to acquire innovative digital technology skills and significantly improve their lives.

The article is originally published at APP.

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