Convalescent Plasma Therapy is approved by food and drug administration of US (USFDA) during this Covid-19 crisis, scientists and researchers trying to figure out the way to cure Covid-19 illness. 

Convalescent Plasma Therapy is approved by food and drug administration of US (USFDA) during this Covid-19 crisis, scientists and researchers trying to figure out the way to cure Covid-19 illness. 

Convalescent Plasma Therapy is approved by food and drug administration of US (USFDA) during this Covid-19 crisis, scientists and researchers trying to figure out the way to cure Covid-19 illness. 

Convalescent plasma is that type of plasma that is extracted from the recovered patient from corona virus disease. Researchers taken the plasma of recovered patient and transferred into the ill patients and as a result antibodies that are present in the plasma fight against the infection.

Use of convalescent plasma methodology was first conducted in China by the Shenzhen Third People’s Hospital.  This study initially conduced on 5 ill patients and the results were magical, within 3 days patient’s body temperature got normal and the severity of the disease become reduced. [1]

In U.S. blood donation centers have been designed in order to collect blood samples from fully recovered patients. This experimental approach has also been used in the times of devastating flu and measles in 1930s.

Passive Antibody Therapy

In China, Scientists named this therapy as “Passive Antibody Therapy. In U.S. clinical trials have been started on plasma in order to measure the recovery by the use of recovered patient’s plasma. 

This Plasma Antibody Therapy works by various ways by neutralizing the virus, by cellular cytotoxicity and phagocytosis. Antibodies of a recovered person initially neutralize the inoculum, and then modify the inflammatory response that is actually the trigger of immune response. Sufficient amount of antibodies administered into the patient to prevent underlying condition of Covid-19.

Role of NBA players for Convalescent Plasma Therapy

During this global crisis, where all health authorities are paying their duties well in order to find out the cure of Covid-19 NBA players also participated in an attempt to curb the spread by donating their plasma.

Many NBA players got recovered earlier this week announced through their social media that they will donate plasma. Dr. Joyens working with these players and looking forward for the best donation sites.

These players have good body mass due to their training and physical exercise, so that they have big blood volumes. The NBA has also donated $100,000 to this National Convalescent Plasma Therapy project. 

In Pakistan, this approach has now just started. A corona virus patient named as Yahya Jaffri has fully recovered from covid-19 and donated his blood at the Children’s hospital and Research Institute Karachi. Patient’s plasma would be extracted and used against covid-19 patients. 


By Nabiha Khalid

M.Phil ScholarDepartment  of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Gujrat, Hafiz Hayat Campus

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