DigNous Innovation Center (DIC) aimed to focused on bringing digital revolution in Sindh. Sehwan which is a historic city located in Jamshoro district of Sindh province in Pakistanis, going to be ready for this revolution.
The DIC is the digital innovation organiztion, which is capable to reshape & redefine the rules for the businesses that can differentiate any industry/sector in competitive market. It is fully devoted to work on Sustainable Development Goals SDGs to make planet healthier & safer for life, digital transformation can help & innovate current procedures to fight against climate change, environmental issues, agriculture, food security, Clean water, Clean Air, Clean Energy.
DIC has arranged a meeting on theme “Steps Towards Digital Revolution in Sindh” with all heads of public and private schools/colleges located in city at Sehwan Hospital Auditorium.
The main objectives of this meetings were to get them prepared for change. Make master plan for digitally revolutionize Sindh through new techs like IoT, Big-Data,A.I and Block-chain. Introduce trainers/resources, who could transform this technological wave to adjacent towns/ villages/ districts. Prepare entrepreneurs at gross root level instead of job seekers and establishment of startup incubation center at sehwan level to raise future millionaires.
DIC informed the participants about their upcoming activities planned to achieve objectives. Its attention move towards giving free of cost training to about 60-100 freelancers/Digital marketers. Next step will be givinf free of cost training to about 60-100 school kids to university students on Robotics & Automation. They are targeted for the formation of atleast 3 startups for 6 months who could work on some world class ideas and participate for global level competition.