CIMMYT warned Pakistan against fatal pest FAW

The prevailing threat of calamitous pest FAW has been identified in Pakistan, warned by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT).  

CIMMYT warned Pakistan against fatal pest FAW

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre admonished Pakistan to take necessary steps to conserve crops from the ‘fall armyworm’ (FAW).

The devastating pest for the first time identified in India and has the potential to spread quickly not only within India, but also to other adjacent countries in Asia, due to suitable climatic conditions.

To tackle the deadly threat of FAW in Pakistan, Dr Martin Kropff, Director-General, CIMMYT held a meeting with Sahibzada Mehboob Sultan, Minister for National Food Security and Research and offered cooperation of the Mexico-based organization to prevent the significant damage to crops.

“We want that our future cooperation in this regard must continue, and Pakistan may not only ensure a prompt surveillance system but also bring more disease-resistant varieties of wheat and maize,” Dr Martin said.

CIMMYT is astonished at the notable success of wheat programme in Pakistan. Director CIMMYT’s Global Wheat Programme, Hans Braun affirm the need to be aware of securing the targeted yield in wheat as the global climate change might create a immense challenge,

And one Celsius drop in temperature during the night time may decrease seven per cent of wheat yield, hence with combination of intelligent interventions and sensible subsidies, massive results in food security could be achieved.

Mr Mehboob Sultan cherished the offerings of CIMMYT in Pakistan seeing as the green revolution and said that the government was determined for the revitalization of agriculture and bolster in agricultural research.