WhatsApp messages have always been accompanied by ticks to show sent and delivered messages, but they have also been the source of some confusion. Now the company is experimenting with a third version: the blue double click that represents a message has been read or viewed.

The confusion around the ticks is long standing. People often believe one tick means ‘delivered’, and two ticks means ‘read’. However,one tick actually means ‘sent’, and two means ‘delivered’, not read. The double blue ticks would mean ‘read’.

The social pressure to reply to a message might be greater if someone knows if you have actually read a message or not, making some people uncomfortable. It remains to be seen what will happen with the blue double tick – perhaps it will be optional, or maybe tests won’t lead WhatsApp to roll out the feature.

The double blue check marks have been rolled out to WhatsApp without the need to update the app.

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