The mobile ecosystem in Pakistan is playing an increasingly important role, which is evident from its contribution to economic growth.
According to a research report launched by the GSMA, an international trade body of mobile network operators that Telecom system of Pakistan adds around $16.7 billion, 5.4% of gross domestic product (GDP) to the economy.
The report under titled “The power of mobile to accelerate digital transformation in Pakistan” stated that the country was deriving socioeconomic benefits from digital transformation, however its rapid population growth could increase pressure on the existing infrastructure. This may in turn delaying efforts to increase social development.
The report was launched at a roundtable meeting between the government of Pakistan and leaders of mobile industry to examine the transformative opportunities presented by the mobile enabled digital services in Pakistan.
GSMA recommended the use of mobile platforms for national development plans to incorporate devices for improving gender equality, health, education and reducing poverty.
GSMA recognized Pakistan’s efforts to incorporate mobile technology in driving social development and economic growth. It stated that the mobile broadband network now covered 80% of the population and 97% of internet connections were mobile.
The report further illustrated that Pakistan has nearly 700,000 cellular Internet of Things (IoT) connections across areas including agriculture, clean energy, and safe water solutions. Mobile operators and the ecosystem also provided direct employment to around 320,000 people in Pakistan in 2018.
GSMA suggested that in addition to enhancing digital and financial, Pakistan’s population was still in transition and timely actions were needed for utilize the benefits of digitalization.
GSMA Head of Asia-Pacific Julian Gorman said “Mobile offers the most extensive and inclusive platform to access the internet and digital technologies, which are vital for the Pakistani economy and its growth in an increasingly connected world”.
Minister of Information Technology and Telecommunication Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui also present on the occasion. He said the government, private sector, and the wider ecosystem must work together to deliver the promise of digital Pakistan.
He further said “The mobile industry is an important partner to bring transformational change in the digital era and ensure that we bridge the digital divide”.