Mash bean (Vigna mungo L.) family Leguminoceae domestically referred to as sabut mash, it is an extremely praised legume in Pakistan because it has diet-o-therapeutic importance.

The mash bean occupies a crucial position in Pakistan agriculture system and is annually grown on the area of 27.6 thousand hectares and annual production is 13.6 thousand tones with average yield of 493 kg per hectare.

It’s grown in every part of the country; however, its cultivation is targeted chiefly in Punjab, the main mash production province. If correct attention is paid, it should become a crucial export commodity and should fetch sizeable foreign exchange for Pakistan.

In recent years, the need to adopt a healthy diet has drawn attention to legume seeds and food product derived from them. Mash bean is a crucial legume crop employed in Pakistan but a scientific mapping of the chemical composition of mash bean seeds is lacking.

Mash bean may be a wealthy supply of protein and contains ample content of dietary fiber, a balanced organic compound profile, low saturated fatty acids and inhibitor capability that rationalizes several ancient uses of seeds of this crop besides its importance of nutrition.

Mash bean seeds are employed in cookery dishes since aboriginal. After cooking the seeds are devoured. Seeds are the chief constituent of the many ancient products, the seeds are well-known because their nutritional potential and therapeutic properties.

The roots are narcotic and diuretic drug and are used for treating nostalgia, cephalgia, aching bones, dropsy, abscess and inflammation. The seeds are astringent, emollient, thermogenic, aphrodisiac diuretic, galactogauge, nutritious, laxative, appetizer, nervine tonic and styptic.

They’re helpful in treating, leucoderma, itching, gonorrhea, epistaxis, pains, asthma, piles, heart hassle, anorexia, dyspepsia, strangury, haemorrhoids, constipation, hepatopathy, agalactia, neuropathy, dementia praecox, nervous unfitness, hysteria, partial palsy, weakness of memory and facial.

Seeds are used for treating ejaculation and dysfunction and believed as spermatopoetic. Seeds are used for protraction the hair, natural process dandruff and keep them black. Hot liquid extracts of the leaves are employed in the treatment of stomach, brain disorders, rheumatic pain, jaundice and inflammatory disorders.

Seeds are thought about finished and flour made of seeds is great substitute for soap, effort the skin swish and soft and employed in cosmetics in preparation of facial mask.

The food trade globally is looking functional foods, neutral ceuticals. Composition and contents of numerous constituents and elements like various secondary metabolites and bioactive constituents, fatty acids, fastened and oil, E and steroid alcohol profile,amino acid,  mineral, protein,vitamin, and carbohydrate contents gift in an exceedingly food commodity like fruit seed, spice, grain, vegetable or the other product derived from them varies relying upon several factors like plant selection, stage of assortment and geologic, agronomical practices utilized in cultivation and the condition of climate from wherever that food commodity or parts of plant (seed or fruit) is collected, and therefore the technique used for its determination.

Thus there have to be compelled to establish food composition info on regional and country level for numerous food commodities for numerous regions and countries severally.

The high carbohydrate contents present in mash bean seeds indicate its potential use as a chief supply of energy to forestall marasmus in infants particularly. Like different legumes, its seeds are wealthy in protein; contain ample quantity of dietary fiber and lesser quantity of oil. Regular intake of dietary fiber is related to low probabilities ofsure cancers, obesity, disorder, and polygenic disorder.

High dietary fiber contents could also be answerable for its ancient use as anti-cancer food. Since dietary fiber containing foods are employed in bakery product, it conjointly indicates its potential use in pastry and bakery product.

This article is collectively authored by Adeela Sadaf, *Dr.Muhammad Tahir and Nawal Zafar Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy,University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

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