We recommend that you prepare your profile before submit articles so we know that you are an actual writer. We also need to see your education background to judge your information.
We also assume that you have made your article according to the Article Format Pattern and checked whether its effective to readers
Submit your Writing
The View Article section is displayed by default. You will see your articles here if you have submitted any for review. Accepted and rejected articles are also visible here.
Click on Create Article
You now have two fields to put in your data.
Title: This is the title of your article.
Content: This is the article content. Place your text here.
Click on the submit button below the content section to submit your article. The page will show an Article Submitted message.
Notifications after submission
You should now wait for an email notification from Technology Times.
Please add email@technologytimes.pk and web@technologytimes.pk to your email contacts so the email does not go in spam. Also check spam regularly for any persisting issues.
There are two types of email:
- Published: Your article has been approved by us and it is now visible on the website.
- Rejected: Your article needs improvements. Read the email to know of your mistakes.
Re-Submission of rejected article
You can always re-submit your article after you have cleared the mistakes. The mistakes are written in the rejection email.
When your article is rejected, the article status changes from “pending review” to “draft”.
Click on “Edit” button to see the article edit screen. Modify your article and press “Submit” to re-submit the article.
Here are some tips to follow:
- Read the Article Submission Preparation document thoroughly. This will ensure that your article is not rejected by us.
- We will let you know of the reason each time we reject. This will help you in modifying the article and submitting it back.