Create an account

You can register for a new account through the Register page. If you have an account already, you can login through the Login page. You can also request for a lost password if you have forgotten your already registered account’s password.

Following is a description of some data being taken for registration:

First Name

Enter your first name

  • Do not use spaces
  • Enter a username suited to your name so that people may recognize you
  • use of small letters, numbers and special characters is allowed

Last Name

Enter your last name

  • Do not use spaces
  • Enter a username suited to your name so that people may recognize you
  • use of small letters, numbers and special characters is allowed


Select your gender

  • Male
  • Female

Date Of Birth

 Select your date of birth form calendar

Mobile Number

Enter a phone number that is accessible by you at all times.

This will only be used to contact you in case of any issues with your article or any writing or promotion opportunity.

Email Address

Please use a valid email address to register since we will be (mostly) always contacting you through email.


Enter a unique combination of words (first & last name combined or any other of the sort) to use as your unique ID.

  • Do not use spaces
  • Enter a username suited to your name so that people may recognize you
  • use of small letters, numbers and special characters is allowed


You can keep the password any way you like. We recommend using:

  • atleast one small letter
  • atleast one capital letter
  • atleast one special character (!,-_@)
  • atleast one digit

After this, you can login and start using your account.