China-Pakistan Science Communication Seminar
Science is not finished until it’s communicated China-Pakistan Science Communication Seminar Hangzhou, China May 21-24, 2019
Technology Times E-Paper
Science is not finished until it’s communicated China-Pakistan Science Communication Seminar Hangzhou, China May 21-24, 2019
International Day for Biological Diversity 2019
Science Communication for Social Development’ workshop held at COMSATS University
The Chinese government is particularly welcoming entrepreneurs, scientists and researchers from Pakistan to make use of their facilities and strengthen Pak-China Science and Technology cooperation.
Science, a human right This World Science Day for Peace and Development 2018, UNESCO urges everyone to exercise their human right to participate in and benefit from science.
This World Science Day for Peace and Development 2018, UNESCO urges everyone to exercise their human right to participate in and benefit from science. This right is enshrined in the…
“Celebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity” Supplement International Day for Biodiversity 2018
“Hyperconnected museums: New approaches, new Publics” International Museum Day 2018
Science with Creativity – Technology with Innovation: The Perfect Match Supplement World Creativity & Innovation Day 2018
Senate approves Pakistan’s first technical university bill