Nation's Socio-economic growth coupled with IT sector

Technology has become the main objective and is transforming faster in today’s tech driven world, considering the advancements “Information Technology” is totally linked with sustainable economic development of a country.

Nation's Socio-economic growth coupled with IT sectorPresident of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi while talking to the Ministry of Information Technology delegation stated that “Socio-economic development is deeply linked with the advancements in IT sector, making it all the more important for a developing country like Pakistan.”

President emphasized that knowledge-economy is a pre-requisite to the comprehensive development of Pakistan for which we must provide distant learning to our general public who could not have the funds for proper education and make sure its high quality.

The President said that Artificial Intelligence promises benefits as well as posed urgent challenges that cut across firms, developers, governments, and workers and ultimately accelerates digital transformation.

Keeping in view the fact, the government of Pakistan under Presidential computing programs  is offering multiple courses like Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing , Blockchain, Internet of Things,  Cloud Native and many other to grab and emerge as a technology hub.

To compete with the world and cutting edge technologies, we must prepare our young mind sets to perk up the challenges and adapt the emergent high-technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) the future of problem solving solutions.

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