Historic Nuclear Energy Summit Set For March 2024 In Brussels

The summit, scheduled for 21st & 22nd of March 2024, will be jointly presided over by IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo.

Historic Nuclear Energy Summit Set For March 2024 In Brussels

In a significant stride towards the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Atoms4NetZero initiative, global leaders are poised to convene at the inaugural Nuclear Energy Summit, slated to be held in Brussels in March 2024.

The IAEA, in collaboration with Belgium, unveiled this groundbreaking event with the aim of spotlighting the pivotal role of nuclear energy in mitigating the escalating challenges of reducing reliance on fossil fuels, fortifying energy security, and propelling economic progress.

The summit, scheduled for the 21st and 22nd of March 2024, will be jointly presided over by IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo.

This unprecedented gathering promises to be the highest-level meeting entirely dedicated to the discourse on nuclear energy. The surge of global interest in nuclear power, attributed to its dual potential to curtail fossil fuel consumption while meeting the surging demand for low-carbon, reliable electricity, underpins the significance of this summit.

Director General Grossi emphasized the shifting tide, stating, “More and more countries are either planning to introduce nuclear power in their energy mix or expand already existing nuclear energy programmes. We have seen a clear positive shift in recent years, with a growing realization that nuclear energy is an indispensable part of the solution to some of the most pressing global challenges of our time.”

Prime Minister De Croo echoed the sentiment, stating, “The European energy landscape has changed profoundly… Alongside important investments in renewable energy and hydrogen production, nuclear energy and technology can be part of the solution to power our industrial future.”

The summit is anticipated to draw the participation of approximately 30 nations. Alongside governmental leaders, industry luminaries, think-tank heads, experts, and civil society representatives are expected to grace the event.

The agenda comprises a high-level segment featuring heads of state and government, and a scientific discourse led by preeminent experts. Topics encompass an array of issues, from novel reactor technologies to hybrid energy systems that seamlessly integrate nuclear power and renewable energy sources, as well as innovations across the entire nuclear fuel cycle and facility life cycle.

A separate policy debate will dissect the hurdles impeding the early deployment of new nuclear technologies, while also spotlighting global solutions and opportunities to surmount them. Critical considerations, such as reactor security and the safe decommissioning of nuclear power facilities, will be addressed.

Additionally, the summit will showcase the IAEA’s Atom4NetZero initiative, a data-driven energy scenario model that comprehensively outlines the potential of nuclear power in achieving net-zero emissions.

Prime Minister De Croo underscored Belgium’s commitment to nuclear technology, stating, “In Belgium, with the extension of the Doel 4 and Tihange 3 power plants, we have shown that nuclear technologies have their rightful place in the energy mix…”

Director General Grossi emphasized the urgency of the summit, asserting, “With the world struggling with a climate crisis, while at the same time requiring more and more energy, this Summit could not be more important or timely. We must all join forces in this existential fight that we are facing. Nuclear power is a clean and reliable source of energy, and the world needs much more of it.”

The IAEA’s bold prediction of a more than twofold increase in installed nuclear capacity to 890 gigawatts by 2050, compared to the current 369 gigawatts, further substantiates the escalating global interest in nuclear power, marking the third consecutive year of upward revisions.