FCCU, JMIC Conducts Workshop On Climate Journalism Education

A well-known environmental lawyer named Mr. Rafay Alam spoke about the climate crisis and how it will affect us in the future.

FCCU, JMIC Conducts Workshop On Climate Journalism Education

The international conference regarding climate change and agriculture of Pakistan was held at Forman Christian College University Lahore from February 6–9, 2023, and was organized by the KAM School of Life Sciences and ORIC.

During the opening ceremony, Prof. Dr. Seyed Komail Tayebi, President of the Economic Cooperation Organization-Science Foundation, was the special guest. On the subject of climate change in Pakistan, he emphasized the significance of mitigation and adaptation technologies.

A well-known environmental lawyer named Mr. Rafay Alam spoke about the climate crisis and how it will affect us in the future. In the first session, Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Executive Director of MABIC, spoke about science communication as a strategy for effective climate action.

Short-term climate variability and long-term climate change have a big impact on agriculture in Pakistan. The nation frequently experiences periods of severe drought followed by devastating floods, which has led to low crop yields, livestock losses, damage to irrigation infrastructure, and food shortages.

The yield of cash harvests will be impacted by droughts in the winter, per the Climate Change Index. In the meantime, increased precipitation during the summer may result in flooding in various parts of Pakistan.

CropLife Asia, CABI, Pakistan Science Foundation, Babar Ali Foundation, FAO, WWF Pakistan, COMSTECH, HEC, Four Brothers Group, and ECO Science Foundation all provided financial support for this international conference.

Additionally, their representatives spoke during the ceremony. Dr. Kauser Abdulla Malik, Director of ORIC, and Dr. Samina Mehnaz, Chairperson of KAM-SLS, were thanked by Dr. Jonathan Addleton, Rector of FCCU, for successfully organising this conference.

FCCU established in 1864, it is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the country and has a rich history of academic excellence.

FCCU offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various disciplines including arts, sciences, engineering, law, education, and business. The university is known for its strong commitment to liberal arts education and provides students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for leadership roles in various fields.