ESP 2024: A Platform for Progress in Earth Sciences Research

The 7th International Conference on Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP 2024) concluded triumphantly, leaving a significant mark on the scientific community.

The 7th International Conference on Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP 2024) concluded triumphantly, leaving a significant mark on the scientific community. Hosted by the National Centre of Excellence in Geology (NCEG) at the University of Peshawar’s Bara Gali Summer Campus from June 2 to 4, 2024, the event was a platform for global collaboration and innovation in Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Under the guidance of Dr. Liaqat Ali, Director of NCEG, and with the support of esteemed Chief patron Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jahanzeb Khan, Vice Chancellor of the University of Peshawar, and Patrons Prof Dr Muhammad Qasim Jan and Prof. Dr Muhammad Tahir Shah, the conference brought together over 250 participants from diverse backgrounds. Renowned scientists and experts from Egypt, Netherlands, Oman, United Kingdom and China shared their insights alongside academics, postgraduate students, and industry leaders.

The conference covered an extensive array of themes, ranging from economic mineral resources to environmental concerns and emerging technologies. Discussions delved into Pakistan’s rich mineral reserves, energy potential, geological studies, engineering challenges, and climate change adaptation strategies. Notably, a special workshop on “Policy Framework for Climate-Induced Hazards and Risks for Critical Infrastructure” highlighted the importance of international collaboration in addressing pressing environmental issues.

An essential aspect of ESP 2024 was its focus on fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. The exhibition by various organizations provided attendees with a glimpse of cutting-edge innovations in the field, while networking opportunities allowed for meaningful interactions between industry leaders and researchers.

The conference’s closing ceremony, graced by Prof. Dr. Mark van der Meijde from the University of Twente, emphasized the significance of global cooperation and the transition towards sustainable energy solutions. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between NCEG and ITC paved the way for future academic and research collaborations.

Acknowledging the contributions of sponsors, organizers, speakers, and participants, Dr. Waqas Ahmad, Chief Organizer, expressed gratitude for their role in making ESP 2024 a resounding success. Shields and certificates were distributed to commemorate their involvement and dedication.

The support of sponsors including the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL), among others, was instrumental in ensuring the conference’s success.

In conclusion, ESP 2024 not only showcased Pakistan’s expertise in Earth Sciences but also fostered global collaboration towards addressing pressing environmental challenges. As the scientific community continues to strive for innovation and sustainability, events like ESP serve as catalysts for progress and positive change.