20 Countries with the Highest Renewable Energy Consumption Unveiled

The latest findings from the International Energy Agency (IEA) shed light on the 20 countries leading the charge in renewable energy consumption.

In the dynamic landscape of global energy consumption, renewable sources have been increasingly gaining ground. The latest findings from the International Energy Agency (IEA) shed light on the 20 countries leading the charge in renewable energy consumption. Let’s delve into the comprehensive analysis revealing the top players in this green revolution.

The IEA’s data unveils a remarkable surge in global renewable energy consumption, outpacing traditional energy generation. In 2020, renewable energy consumption surged to 12.5%, marking a significant leap from 11.4% in 2019. Excluding traditional biomass, the total renewable energy consumption soared to 45.18 Exajoules in 2022.

The Asia Pacific region emerged as the frontrunner, accounting for a staggering 20.24 Exajoules, representing nearly 45% of the global renewable energy consumption. Following closely behind, the Americas claimed a share of 28.7%.

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), global renewable deployment hit a record high, boasting a total capacity of 3,870 gigawatts. The year 2023 witnessed a monumental upswing, with an addition of 473 gigawatts, marking a 13.9% surge in global renewable power capacity. This surge was chiefly fueled by a significant uptick in solar and wind power installations.

Asia spearheaded this expansion, contributing a commanding 69% share in total renewable capacity additions. China, in particular, saw its capacity swell by an impressive 63%, reaching 297.6 gigawatts. Solar energy maintained its dominance, constituting 73% of the renewable energy expansion, closely trailed by wind energy.

Conversely, Africa experienced a modest growth of 4.6%, while the European Union intensified its focus on policy and energy security, propelling renewable growth in the region. Other regions like the Middle East and Oceania also witnessed notable increases of 16.6% and 9.4% respectively.

The United States, under the Biden administration’s stewardship, has embarked on an ambitious journey towards decarbonization. Leveraging federal lands, the administration aims to achieve its goal of carbon neutrality by 2035. Recent announcements affirm the nation’s commitment, with approvals granted for over 25 gigawatts of clean energy projects by 2025, coupled with strategic plans to slash project costs for wind and solar energy on federal lands.

In a monumental feat, China, the world’s largest renewable energy producer, powered ahead in March, surpassing 100 terawatt hours of electricity generated by wind farms. This staggering achievement underscores China’s unwavering commitment to renewable energy, with its March output doubling that of the United States.

The renewable energy landscape is not solely steered by governmental initiatives; major corporations also play a pivotal role in driving sustainable energy practices. Industry giants such as Iberdrola, S.A., Ørsted A/S, and Canadian Solar Inc. are at the forefront of this paradigm shift.

Iberdrola, S.A., a renewable energy behemoth, recently inked a monumental deal with Norges Bank Investment Management to bolster renewable energy deployment. The joint venture, set to add 644 megawatts to their Iberian energy alliance, underscores their unwavering commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

Ørsted A/S, a global leader in wind energy, celebrated a significant milestone with the inauguration of the Greater Changhua 1 and 2a offshore wind farms in Taiwan. With a combined capacity of 900 megawatts, these wind farms are poised to power nearly 1 million households, marking a significant stride towards carbon neutrality.

Canadian Solar Inc., a major player in solar and energy storage, secured substantial project funding for its solar project in Brazil. The Jaiba III project, slated for completion in 2024, epitomizes the company’s commitment to fostering sustainable energy infrastructure.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy, it’s imperative to acknowledge the pivotal role played by corporations, governments, and individuals alike in driving this transformative change.

List of the top 20 countries with the highest renewable energy consumption in 2022:

  • China: 13.30 Exajoules
  • United States: 8.43 Exajoules
  • Brazil: 2.53 Exajoules
  • Germany: 2.45 Exajoules
  • India: 2.15 Exajoules
  • Japan: 1.53 Exajoules
  • United Kingdom: 1.36 Exajoules
  • Spain: 1.04 Exajoules
  • France: 0.81 Exajoules
  • Italy: 0.76 Exajoules
  • Indonesia: 0.74 Exajoules
  • Australia: 0.70 Exajoules
  • Turkey: 0.69 Exajoules
  • Canada: 0.59 Exajoules
  • Sweden: 0.56 Exajoules
  • South Korea: 0.52 Exajoules
  • Netherlands: 0.51 Exajoules
  • Mexico: 0.45 Exajoules
  • Poland: 0.39 Exajoules
  • Vietnam: 0.33 Exajoules

These findings underscore the global momentum towards embracing renewable energy sources, signaling a paradigm shift towards a more sustainable future.