Samsung's Galaxy Ring Offers Health Tracking and Readiness Score

Samsung Electronics is set to launch its latest wearable device, which boasts advanced health-tracking capabilities including heart rate and sleep monitoring.

Samsung Electronics is set to launch its latest wearable device, the Galaxy Ring, which boasts advanced health-tracking capabilities including heart rate and sleep monitoring, alongside providing users with a comprehensive readiness score for the day. This announcement comes directly from Hon Pak, head of Samsung’s digital health team, in an exclusive interview with CNBC.

During the interview, Pak discussed the company’s debut into the ring wearable product category, potential subscription models for the Samsung Health app, and the future integration of an artificial intelligence (AI) “coach.”

The Galaxy Ring was initially teased by Samsung in January during the unveiling of the S24 smartphone. It will make its debut appearance at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Pak revealed key features of the Galaxy Ring, stating that the device, equipped with sensors, will offer readings on heart rate, respiratory rate, sleep movement, and sleep onset time. Additionally, it will provide users with a “vitality score,” assessing physical and mental readiness for productivity, all accessible through the Samsung Health app.

While Pak did not specify a release timeline or pricing for the Galaxy Ring, he hinted at the possibility of integrating contactless payment capabilities into the device, akin to smartphones.

Samsung’s ambition in the health-tech arena extends beyond the Galaxy Ring. Pak disclosed ongoing efforts to develop noninvasive glucose monitoring and blood pressure sensing functionalities for their wearable devices, signaling Samsung’s commitment to innovation in health technology.

The company’s strategy is rooted in expanding its ecosystem of health-centric devices, leveraging existing products like smartphones and smartwatches. Pak emphasized that customer feedback drove the decision to introduce the Galaxy Ring, providing users with diverse wearable options tailored to their preferences for health tracking.

Notably, the Galaxy Ring will complement Samsung’s smartwatches, offering users enhanced health insights when worn together.

While Samsung enters the smart ring market, it faces competition from existing players like Oura. Despite previous generations of Samsung smartphones featuring health sensors, Pak did not rule out the possibility of future smartphones incorporating such technology, citing the ubiquitous nature of mobile devices.

Pak envisions AI as a cornerstone of Samsung’s health services, utilizing vast datasets collected by devices to offer personalized health insights. He highlighted the potential for AI-driven digital assistants to revolutionize health coaching, emphasizing the importance of delivering comprehensive and valuable insights before implementing subscription models for Samsung Health.

In particular, Pak emphasized the role of Samsung’s digital assistant, Bixby, in reshaping the human-computer interface, potentially enhanced by large language models to deliver a transformative user experience.

As Samsung continues to innovate in the health-tech space, the integration of advanced AI and wearable technology promises to redefine personalized health management for users worldwide.