Qiddiya City Plans to Pioneer Global Gaming and Esports District in KSA

Qiddiya City is set to revolutionize the gaming and esports landscape, positioning itself as the world’s first comprehensive gaming and esports district.

Qiddiya City Plans to Pioneer Global Gaming and Esports District in KSA

Qiddiya City is set to revolutionize the gaming and esports landscape, positioning itself as the world’s first comprehensive gaming and esports district.

This ambitious project aims to propel Saudi Arabia into the forefront of the rapidly expanding esports industry. Located in the heart of Qiddiya City, the district will boast four cutting-edge esports venues designed to host major events, with the goal of attracting an impressive 10 million visitors annually.

The launch of the gaming and esports district aligns with the vision of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has been a staunch supporter of the sector. This commitment is evident through initiatives such as the ‘National Strategy’ and various projects focused on talent development programs and strategic investments in the esports domain.

Saudi authorities recognize the exponential growth in the gaming and esports sector globally and perceive it as their responsibility to create a world-class infrastructure. Qiddiya City aims to position itself as a global hub for gaming and esports, inviting enthusiasts and professionals alike to live, learn, and compete in this dynamic realm.

The esports district within Qiddiya City is not solely dedicated to professionals but caters to gaming enthusiasts of all levels and ages. Encompassing an expansive area exceeding 500,000 square meters, with 100,000 square meters designated for retail, dining, and entertainment, the hub aims to provide an immersive experience for visitors. The city’s unique concept allows gamers to live, work, and play, offering gaming-themed apartments and hotels.

The district is set to house up to 25 esports clubs from around the world and serve as the regional headquarters for over 30 leading video game development companies. With a focus on fostering community and collaboration, Qiddiya City’s gaming and esports district will serve as a global nexus for industry players and enthusiasts.

Comprising four state-of-the-art arenas with a collective seating capacity of 73,000, the district promises to be a hub of innovation and entertainment. One of the venues is slated to feature the largest indoor LED screen in any esports arena globally, boasting a seating capacity of 5,300. This groundbreaking infrastructure aims to elevate the spectator experience and solidify Qiddiya City’s position on the global esports stage.

Situated within Qiddiya City, the gaming and esports district seamlessly aligns with Saudi Arabia’s National Strategy for Gaming and Esports, a strategic initiative aimed at positioning the Kingdom as a global esports hub by the year 2030. The district’s comprehensive approach, spanning professional competitions, enthusiast engagement, and industry collaboration, underscores its commitment to shaping the future of gaming and esports on a global scale.