TNA Secures Funding For Female Tech Founder Accelerator Program

The program aims to foster diversity and innovation within the Finnish tech ecosystem by providing comprehensive support to women and non-binary entrepreneurs.

TNA Secures Funding For Female Tech Founder Accelerator Program

Tech Nordic Advocates (TNA), the largest tech startup ecosystem in Northern Europe, spanning Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, and Copenhagen, has secured funding from the City of Helsinki Innovation Fund, City of Espoo, City of Vantaa, and various commercial partners. This funding will launch the groundbreaking ‘Finland as Female Tech Founder Frontrunner’ international accelerator program, the first of its kind in Finland, designed explicitly for growth-stage tech companies led by women and non-binary individuals.

The program aims to foster diversity and innovation within the Finnish tech ecosystem by providing comprehensive support to women and non-binary entrepreneurs. Over a two-year period, participating tech startups will benefit from workshops, coaching, and access to networks and capital.

The initiative is part of Europe’s only international growth program focused on helping women and non-binary tech entrepreneurs launch, grow, scale, and raise capital for technology companies.

The official launch of the ‘Finland as Female Tech Founder Frontrunner’ program is scheduled for November 30th at a live Slush event. This event will bring together tech entrepreneurs, investors, and program partners, including major players like Google, Lexia, Nordea, London Stock Exchange, G-P, Helsinki Partners, Voima Ventures, FiBAN, and Global Tech Advocates.

Building on the success of the 2022/2023 ‘Helsinki as Female Tech Founder Frontrunner’ program, which supported 125 women and non-binary tech entrepreneurs in launching and growing new/early-stage tech startups, the new initiative aims to provide next-stage support for growth-stage startups. The program will initially cover Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa, running for two years.

The focus of the program is on assisting growth-stage tech startups led by women and non-binary entrepreneurs to scale, raise capital, and expand internationally. The program will offer high-impact bootcamps, masterclasses, workshops, 1:1 coaching, skills development, office hours, and access to networks, events, and capital. The delivery will involve collaboration with Finnish and international tech entrepreneurs, experts, investors, and partners.

The steering group governing the program comprises leaders from the Finnish tech startup ecosystem, including TNA, Business Helsinki, City of Espoo, City of Vantaa, The Shortcut, Helsinki Partners, Startup Foundation, Women in Tech Finland, Helsinki Think Company, and Lexia.

Harri Paananen, Director of Economic Development, City of Espoo, expressed the city’s commitment to supporting new entrepreneurship, emphasizing values of diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Tommo Koivusalo, Director of Economic Development, City of Vantaa, highlighted the importance of supporting diversity in entrepreneurship, aligning with Vantaa’s status as the most diverse city in Finland.

The program will actively engage with the broader Finnish, Nordic, Baltic, and international tech ecosystem and women-in-tech networks. It aims to provide access to global markets, clients, partners, and investors through Tech Nordic Advocates’ Global Tech Advocates community, comprising 30,000 tech leaders across 33 global hubs, along with partnerships with international embassies.

Jeanette Carlsson, Founder & CEO of Tech Nordic Advocates, expressed excitement about unlocking the untapped potential of women and non-binary entrepreneurship in Finland. Since 2022, TNA has played a pivotal role in supporting tech entrepreneurs, helping launch new technology innovations/startups and raising over €2 million in capital.

The ‘Finland as Female Tech Founder Frontrunner’ program represents a significant step toward fostering an inclusive and innovative tech ecosystem in Finland, showcasing the commitment of public and private partners to support underrepresented entrepreneurs and drive sustainable growth, job creation, and equality within the industry.