Dubai's Ambitious Gaming 2033 Program To Pave Way For New Jobs

Dubai has announced the launch of the ‘Dubai Programme for Gaming 2033’, a visionary initiative set to create an estimated 30,000 jobs in the booming gaming sector.

Dubai's Ambitious Gaming 2033 Program To Pave Way For New Jobs

Dubai has announced the launch of the ‘Dubai Programme for Gaming 2033’, a visionary initiative set to create an estimated 30,000 jobs in the booming gaming sector.

The program aims not only to position Dubai as one of the top 10 cities in the global gaming industry but also to significantly bolster the sector’s contribution to the growth of Dubai’s digital economy.

The announcement was made during a meeting of the Higher Committee for Future Technology and Digital Economy, presided over by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dubai Future Foundation (DFF).

Sheikh Hamdan emphasized Dubai’s commitment to aligning with global trends in shaping its digital economy, leveraging advanced technology, and preparing for both current and upcoming disruptions.

This vision is in accordance with the directive of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to ensure that Dubai stands among the most future-ready cities worldwide.

He further stated, “The launch of these new initiatives demonstrates Dubai’s dedication to establishing a nurturing ecosystem for cutting-edge technological tools, solutions, and digital transformation.”

The ‘Dubai Programme for Gaming 2033’ will attract leading global technology companies specializing in digital content and experiences, offering support to developers, designers, programmers, entrepreneurs, and startups in the creative industries.

With an estimated global value of around $200 billion, the gaming sector presents vast opportunities for Dubai. The city is strategically positioned to contribute to the advancement of emerging trends like virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI), elevating them to provide even more immersive and realistic experiences.

The program will center around three pillars: talent, content, and technology. It will support entrepreneurs and innovators, along with launching specialized educational and training initiatives. Additionally, a series of local and international events and exhibitions will be organized to foster partnerships and collaboration with individuals, companies, and regulatory bodies on both local and global scales.

During the same meeting, Sheikh Hamdan gave his approval for the launch of the ‘Metaverse Alliance‘, ‘Metaverse Guidelines’, and ‘Metaverse Pioneers’ as part of the broader ‘Dubai Metaverse Strategy’.

The ‘Metaverse Alliance’ will form a global network comprising government entities, international technology companies, entrepreneurs, and startups specializing in the metaverse realm.

Meanwhile, ‘Metaverse Guidelines’ will identify the most impactful metaverse applications and establish a comprehensive framework for Dubai government entities to regulate and define optimal metaverse utilization in government operations.

Lastly, ‘Metaverse Pioneers’ is a comprehensive program designed to equip Dubai government employees with the essential skills and tools to leverage the potential of metaverse technology in their professional capacities.

Sheikh Hamdan was also briefed on the ‘Create Apps in Dubai’ initiative, which has successfully attracted and trained approximately 500 Emiratis in mobile application development, thanks to the support of various government entities and major global technology companies.