Environmental Review Completed for CVOW project

The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has successfully concluded its environmental assessment of the proposed Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) commercial endeavor.

Environmental Review Completed for CVOW project

The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has successfully concluded its environmental assessment of the proposed Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) commercial endeavor. Developed by Dominion Energy, the CVOW project situated off the coast of Virginia Beach, Virginia, holds the promise of delivering a substantial 2.6GW of dependable and eco-friendly offshore wind energy.

Scheduled for publication in the Federal Register on September 29, 2023, a Notice of Availability for the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) outlines the potential environmental repercussions of the operations outlined in the Construction and Operations Plan. This plan encompasses the deployment of up to 202 wind turbine generators, along with their corresponding offshore and onshore export cables.

BOEM is set to issue a conclusive Record of Decision regarding project approval in the upcoming autumn season.

Dominion Energy’s CEO, Bob Blue, expressed his satisfaction with the progress, stating, “The completion of Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW)’s environmental review is another significant milestone to keep the project on time and on budget. Regulated offshore wind has many benefits for our customers and local economies – it’s fuel free, emissions free and diversifies our fuel mix to maintain the reliability of the grid.”

He further emphasized the confidence of all stakeholders in the project’s successful completion, underscoring the collective commitment to delivering on schedule and within budget constraints.

BOEM Director Elizabeth Klein echoed the sentiment, saying, “The completion of our environmental review marks another step towards a clean energy future—one that benefits communities and co-exists with other ocean users.”

She highlighted the comprehensive input from various stakeholders, including Tribes, government bodies, local communities, industry representatives, and environmental organizations, which informed the assessments presented in the document. Klein also expressed the anticipation for continued collaboration with the partners and the key stakeholders in the subsequent phases of the project.