COMSTECH Hosts Seminar On Biomedical Research Integrity

International Workshop on Integrity in Biomedical Research proceedings were released on Tuesday at COMSTECH, where COMSTECH also hosted an international seminar on the topic.

COMSTECH Hosts Seminar On Biomedical Research Integrity

The International Workshop on Integrity in Biomedical Research proceedings were released on Tuesday at COMSTECH, where COMSTECH also hosted an international seminar on the topic.

The Coordinator General of COMSTECH, Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary, stated in his welcome speech that COMSTECH collaborates closely with international partners to advance responsible science in OIC nations. The continuation of this strategy, according to him, is the publication today of the papers from the international workshop on integrity in biomedical research that was held in Cairo last year.

Prof. Choudhary emphasised the value of honesty and openness throughout the entire research process, from the conception of the study to the publication of the findings. He also stressed the significance of integrity in biomedical research. Over 150 participants were also asked to conduct their scientific research in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

Prof. Dr. Khalid Saeed Khan, COMSTECH distinguished scholar and distinguished investigator, University of Granada, Spain, spoke at the international seminar. He cited numerous instances of research that was retracted and stressed the importance of honesty and openness in biomedical research.

Prof. Dr. Yacoub Khalaf, President of UEARS activities and co-convener of the Cairo consensus group on research integrity, delivered the keynote address via the internet. He is from the United Kingdom. He discussed the ethics of research from an Islamic perspective, emphasising the problems that must be solved and the opportunities that must be taken advantage of.

Mr. Amr Abdallah Morsy, the Counselor at the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Islamabad, was the seminar’s special guest. He commended COMSTECH and its affiliate organisations for hosting an international workshop on research integrity in Cairo the previous year and for hosting an international seminar on the same subject today in Islamabad.

He expressed gratitude to the experts who participated in both events and emphasised the importance of honesty and openness in all research projects in the field of biomedical research. He also commended COMSTECH for its ongoing efforts to advance science and technology in the Muslim world.

More than 80 participants joined the seminar and launch event online from the OIC region, and about 50 attendees from the biomedical field attended the event in person at COMSTECH.