11 healthcare establishments in different areas of the Islamabad Capital Territory have been closed by the Islamabad Healthcare Regulatory Authority for engaging in malpractice.

11 healthcare establishments in different areas of the Islamabad Capital Territory(ICT) have been closed by the Islamabad Healthcare Regulatory Authority (IHRA) for engaging in malpractice.

Details indicate that over the course of the previous two weeks, 82 healthcare facilities located throughout the federal capital were inspected by IHRA inspection teams.

11 HCEs, including Huma Clinic, Ismail Dental Clinic, Rehman Clinic, Al Eman Fatima Hospital, Grow Hair Transplant and Aesthetic Clinic, National Hospital, Fauji Dental Clinic, Al Shifa Clinic, Ali Clinic, Oxford Medical Centre, and Wada Clinic, were sealed as a result of malpractice, including a lack of qualified medical staff, unsanitary conditions, failure to register with the IHRA, and operation during the suspension.

The Authority also fired two HCEs for a variety of medical infractions, including Sidra Akhtar Foundation and Abid Dental Clinic.

Similar to this, 33 healthcare facilities received notices for minor non-compliance and were told to follow the inspections team’s instructions. While five Healthcare Establishments (HCEs) were recommended for registration and suspension revocation, as many as 30 HCEs were discovered to be closed when inspection teams arrived.

The IHRA teams are also mapping Islamabad’s healthcare facilities zone-by-zone, and they have already mapped 20 HCEs over a two-week period.

The IHRA inspection teams visited government hospitals such as BHU Bhimber Tarar, Capital Development Hospital, Federal Government Polyclinic Hospital, and Blood Bank and gave instructions to follow the improvements they suggested.

The Islamabad Healthcare Regulatory Authority (IHRA) was established under the 2018 Islamabad Health Regulation Act to improve healthcare service delivery by adopting evidence-based standards. The IHRA maintains a list of facilities, establishes registration and licensing requirements, and issues licenses for specific services.

It also creates notified practices, regulates facilities according to minimum service delivery standards, and conducts legal investigations. Healthcare establishments must register with the IHRA and adhere to minimum service delivery standards to obtain licenses in the Islamabad Capital Territory.