Thanks to a recent advancement, automated teller machines (ATMs) might be permanently replaced. A Digital Payment System that has been launched by the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) may be the solution to all of your electronic payment and cash needs.
Thanks to a recent advancement, automated teller machines (ATMs) might be permanently replaced. A new e-payment system that has been launched by the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) may be the solution to all of your electronic payment and cash needs. Digital Payment System, This accomplishment resulted from NADRA’s collaboration with 1Link, the biggest and most fully accredited payment gateway system in Pakistan. The two organizations have joined forces to develop and manage an electronic payment system that will expand upon the already successful e-Sahulat brand owned by NADRA. With the help of this collaboration, NADRA will transform more than 17,000 e-Sahulat locations into full-featured ATMs that also offer a comprehensive selection of electronic payment options. In addition to performing fund transfers, cash-ins and cash-outs, public-to-government (P2G), government-to-public (G2P), and public-to-public payments (P2P) payments, these outlets will also be able to handle other financial operations.
NADRA Chairman Tariq Malik and 1Link CEO Najeeb Agrawal signed the contract on Monday at the organization’s headquarters. In response to this development, Malik stated that NADRA has been trying to enhance e-governance by empowering organizations from the public and commercial sectors through its digital services. He claimed that one of Pakistan’s most cutting-edge digital services for financial payments is NADRA’s e-Sahulat facility “We are enhancing state capacity to deliver digital public goods and move towards electronic financial transactions for transparency and accountability. Digital Payment System, This would enable financial inclusion as well.” Through this cooperation, more than 17,000 e-Sahulat locations operated by NADRA will be able to quadruple the capacity of more than 16,500 1Link ATMs nationwide. As was already mentioned, this will make it simple for consumers to deposit and withdraw money. According to Malik, the digital platform would soon be accessible in rural Pakistan as well, enabling students to continue their education while earning money to cover their tuition.
Source: This news is originally published by bolnews