Destiny 2 may be the gold standard for the current live service looter genre, but obviously it has its own ancestors to thank. Probably most notably Borderlands, for doing loot-shooting years earlier, and Borderlands itself was an attempt to bring many concepts of Diablo to the FPS genre.
One thing that used to be a pretty common trademark among those games, and others in similar genres like MMOs, was the idea that over time, you would add more classes to the game. Diablo famously added extra classes like Assassin, Druid and Paladin. Borderlands had DLC classes like Krieg and Gaige. But Destiny, now in its eighth year as a series, and five years into Destiny 2 alone, has always kept its original trinity intact, Hunter, Warlock and Titan. And even though it could be easy to write in how a new class gets birthed, or take one from one of the alien races who have recently dabbled in the light, the game never does it, they instead keep building on top of these same three classes with new subclasses.
Destiny 2 may be the gold standard for the current live service looter genre, but obviously it has its own ancestors to thank. Probably most notably Borderlands, for doing loot-shooting years earlier, and Borderlands itself was an attempt to bring many concepts of Diablo to the FPS genre. One thing that used to be a pretty common trademark among those games, and others in similar genres like MMOs, was the idea that over time, you would add more classes to the game. Diablo famously added extra classes like Assassin, Druid and Paladin. Borderlands had DLC classes like Krieg and Gaige.But Destiny, now in its eighth year as a series, and five years into Destiny 2 alone, has always kept its original trinity intact, Hunter, Warlock and Titan. And e ven though it could be easy to write in how a new class gets birthed, or take one from one of the alien races who have recently dabbled in the light, the game never does it, they instead keep building on top of these same three classes with new subclasses.
Source: This news is originally published by forbes