Crackdown On Pollution Spreading Factories To Cleanse Environmental Hazards

A Crackdown On Pollution Spreading Factories To Cleanse The Provincial Metropolis Of Environmental Hazards.

The provincial government is going to launch a crackdown on pollution spreading factories to cleanse the provincial metropolis of environmental hazards. This was told during a meeting regarding abolition of pollution and crackdown on pollution creating crushing plants, creation of awareness among the people and other steps held here on Friday. Commissioner Peshawar Division, Riaz Khan Mehsud presided over the meeting.

Besides, the district administrations of Peshawar and Khyber, the higher authorities of environment and industries and other concerned authorities also attended the meeting. A group of industrialists from Peshawar and Mohmand districts headed by prominent industrialist, Ghulam Sarwar Mohmand especially attended the meeting. The commissioner said that a mass awareness campaign is being launched against pollution creating factories and for other measures while a formal seminar will also be held in this regard wherein recommendations would be sought from civil society and general public.

During the meeting a committee headed by Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Gul Bano was also constituted for creating awareness among the people before taking action against environment polluting factories and to attract the owners of factories and industrial units for installation of filtration plants and redressal of the reservations of industrialists. Other members of the committee will include renowned industrialists, civil society, and higher authorities of environment and industries departments and officers of the district administration.

On this occasion, Ghulam Sarwar Mohmand assured the Commissioner Peshawar Division full cooperation in the endures of administration for abolition of pollution. However, he also stressed for efforts to address the reservations of some industrialists and maintenance of their businesses, so to abolish pollution, without hurting the businesses of industrialists. The meeting agreed on joining hands on steps for overcoming environmental pollution.

This news was originally ally published at Bre Corder