There are tons of ways macOS users can become more productive, from shortcuts to some spring cleaning for their desktop. But, no matter which steps you take from this list and incorporate into your daily regimen, you’re sure to notice a boost in productivity!
For years, Apple’s very own macOS has been the user’s OS. It’s an operating system that is intuitive, easy to use, and nice to look at; it’s the perfect trifecta.
However, when it comes to productivity, there are many things macOS doesn’t tell you. So today, let’s go over a few ways you can improve your Mac experience.
7 Tips for Mac Users
1. Use the Mail App to Sign PDFs Directly
There are dozens of programs dedicated to signing PDFs. After all, many contracts and NDAs are sent digitally, and not everyone wants to fax or scan a physical document. With a Mac, users can sign any PDF from within the Mail app.
Yes, Mac users can quickly sign any document they want via the markup mode in the Mail app. It’s quick, secure, and available on any Apple device—not just Macs.
2. Take Advantage of Mission Control
Microsoft only added the ability to view all your windows at once relatively recently—in the past few years. macOS, however, has had that ability for a decade, and it’s called “Mission Control.”
Mission Control allows macOS users to view all of their open windows at once. This enables users to keep tabs on each window, move them around, or close multiple windows without needing to open them one at a time. It’s a small yet fantastic productivity feature.
3. Install a VPN
For an extra layer of security, Mac users can download a VPN for Mac. A VPN, short for “Virtual Private Network,” encrypts data sent out from the Mac itself and gives the user a layer of anonymity. This layer of encryption protects users from network-borne threats, and the promised anonymity hides user activity when they are on an unsecured network (most public networks, for instance).
4. Use a Password Manager
Keeping up with passwords is tough. If you’re using strong passwords—passwords that are more than 12 characters long are made up of random letters, numbers, and symbols—you will have a hard time remembering them.
That’s where password managers come in. Simply put, password managers allow you to store all of your passwords in an encrypted “locker.” The locker is only accessible by you and guarantees security for your passwords.
5. Create Smart Folders
Not many macOS users know of smart folders, which is a shame since the smart folder concept is one of the best features in macOS. With smart folders, users can organize files, photos, and documents with a few clicks of a button.
Despite the name, smart folders aren’t actually folders. No, smart folders are saved searches that bundle specific files via criteria you select when creating a smart folder. So, for example, a smart folder can contain photos you downloaded throughout the past year—nothing more, nothing less.
6. Learn the Shortcuts
Apple’s support page hosts pages upon pages of common questions that Mac users approach them with. Mac users should be looking at one page until they’ve entirely memorized it as the “Mac keyboard shortcuts” page.
This page contains every important Mac keyboard shortcut a Mac user will ever need. And these shortcuts will bolster your productivity. From basic copy + paste shortcuts to shortcuts that will open specific programs, there’s no reason not to use these available shortcuts.
7. Keep a Tidy Desktop
Keeping your room clean noticeably improves your mood and your productivity throughout the day. The same can be said for your desktop. You must keep your Mac’s desktop organized—minimalist, even. The fewer icons and folders hogging up space on the screen, the better. And the best part? Cleaning up a Mac’s desktop only takes a few minutes; what’re a few minutes for a boost in productivity that will last days, weeks, or even months?
There are tons of ways macOS users can become more productive, from shortcuts to some spring cleaning for their desktop. But, no matter which steps you take from this list and incorporate into your daily regimen, you’re sure to notice a boost in productivity!