Sajdah (Prostration) Is A Different Position Or Standing In Regular Prayers, Which Muslims Offer At Least Five Times A Day.
Sujūd (Arabic: سُجود, sʊˈdʒuːd], or sajdah [سجدة, pronounced [ˈsadʒda (tu)], is an act of bowing down or prostrating oneself in relation to the qiblah (direction of the Kaaba in Mecca). It is usually performed in prayers that are made in the same way (salah). This position includes bowing down and prostrating oneself until one touches the earth with one’s forehead, nose, palms, knees, and toes, and sitting in that position until one reaches a state of relaxation while glorifying God to my Lord, the Highest! I will explain the benefits PROSTRATION in the light of Hadith and then scientifically,
Sajdah (Prostration) Is A Different Position Or Standing In Regular Prayers, Which Muslims Offer At Least Five Times A Day (Several Times In Each Prayer). However, the basic purpose of compulsory prayer (Fardh) is not to give people exercise, but to increasingly recognize that it has many therapeutic benefits for the human body. Here it is fair to say that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) referred to the hadith of Ibn-e- Majah that prayer is a cure for many diseases. The fact is that the person who prays regularly is immune to many illnesses that he may not be aware of that.
A Muslim who performs bowing down as a sign of obedience will receive great rewards and blessings from our Creator, Almighty Allah.
Abu Huraira (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (God) said;
The nearest a servant comes to his Lord is when he is prostrating himself, so make supplication (in this state) (Sahih al-Bukhari)
A’ishah Siddiqa (ra) narrates;
Prophet (saw) used to prolong the prostration to such an extent that one could recite fifty verses (of the Qur’an) before he would lift his head. (Sahih al-Bukhari)
In another hadith narrated by Anas bin Malik (ra) the Prophet (saw) advised the Muslims to perform Ruku (bowing) and Sajdah properly. In another Hadith he advised them to perform Sajdah and Bower humbly and to wake up only when the body is free.
The position of Sajdah where the forehead touches the earth is only associated with the Islamic ritual Sajdah Medical Benefits Prostration
People are exposed daily to many different problems. They can also be exposed to many electrical charges from space. These cases affect the central nervous system (CNS). One has to get rid of these extra charges, otherwise, they will have headaches, neck pain, muscle spasms, etc. The best way to eliminate these extra electrostatic charges is to detoxify and remove them from the body. Just as an electrical appliance needs to be grounded (down) through an electrical cord, one has to “rub it down” again. By putting his forehead down, because the brain’s ability to think is in front and not the upper part of the brain, a person removes additional electrostatic charges from the brain and central nervous system. Therefore, man will receive a piece of mind and soul. By praying five times a day, with each prayer you have several kneeling, one will no doubt feel peace, joy, and relief. This procedure is inexpensive and has no side effects. It’s very natural. This is an excellent way to allow a person to continue to live in peace, harmony, obedience, and happiness for the rest of his life.
Dr. Mercola said;
Grounding Helps Thin Dangerously Thick Blood and Fights Inflammation and Disease.
The words “earthing” and “grounding” are interchangeable. It is simply the act of putting your bare feet on the ground or walking barefoot. When you do so, free electrons pass through the earth into your body, and this down-to-earth effect is one of the most powerful antioxidants we know. Unfortunately, few people ever walk barefoot to hear that. I hope, as more and more people see the importance of grounding, this will change, or at least produce the much-needed change in the way most shoes are made. Synthetic rubber soles disconnect you from Earth. Skin soles do not. So you can still get shoes that allow you to stay fit without walking in shoes. Downsizing has many benefits, in addition to creating a general sense of well-being. For example, walking can be of little help in reducing the endless of electric fields and other forms of radiation from cell phones, computers, and Wi-Fi.
By going outside, not wearing shoes, touching the ground, and allowing excessive charge from your body to enter the world, you can reduce some of the stress placed on your system. That is the result of putting it down.
Muscles and joints: When a person goes to a kneeling position his whole body is in an active condition. In this position, Musalli (the person performing the prayer) puts his forehead down while his hands are placed on the sides. This brings most of the body muscles, if not all of them, to active movement and gives them exercise. The arms are then stretched in such a way that the forearm and the muscles of the arm carry the weight in the Bending position. This is a good exercise for the muscles of the upper limbs. The Prophet in Hadeeth advised the people not to put their forearms down but to keep them high above the earth. From a physical point of view, this is best for the arm and arm muscles. In a unique position of Prostration the neck muscles receive excellent exercise. They have to carry the load when the forehead touches the ground which is why, the neck muscles become stronger. And it will be seen that they are in a very active state. Strong cervical muscles mean that the cervical spine will be better protected. The strength of the cervical muscles is important, as the head rests on the cervical vertebra, supported by the cervical muscles. In fact, the head makes rotator movements above the cervical vertebra. In the event of an accident, cervical screening is very important for doctors. Moreever sajdah relieves from ankle (27%), toe (13%) ,lower back (24%) , knee (53%)and wrist (28%) pain.
Blood Circulation: Bowing is a unique position as this is the only condition in which the brain is lower than the heart, which is why blood rushes to the brain with full force, and in all other positions the brain is above the heart where it has to work against gravity to send blood to the brain. Instead of Prostration, due to increased blood pressure, the brain receives more nutrition, which has a positive effect on memory, vision, hearing, concentration, mind and all other cognitive abilities. People who pray regularly can be extremely strong and able to cope with life’s difficulties in the best possible way. They are less likely to have headaches, mental disorders and other cognitive impairments.
Internal organ’s Health: Prostration status is also said to be an effective treatment for the recurrence of , gynecological disease. Most of us do not know that the position of Prostration is a good exercise for men. As it rises from the Bow the imperfect muscles pull the stem back to the seat and they work diligently. While rising from Prostration the perineal muscles pull the trunk back to sitting position and they contract actively. Similarly, while getting up from Prostration, the cervical muscles are again actively mobilized and this gives strengthens the muscles associated with the male reproductive system.The unique position of Prostration also has positive effects on the back muscles as while entering Prostration and standing on it the contract of the back muscles actively and firmly. Probably, it is for this reason that a person who regularly prays rarely has a headache. After bowing, Musalli gets up or stays in prayer. In this position the person sits quietly while his hands rest on his back folded thighs. This has a positive effect on a person’s health and mental health.
Originally published at The Deen Show with Eddie.