The KMC announced that as per the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s directives, only sports-related events to be allowed at the Karachi Sport Complex.

The Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) on Saturday announced that as per the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s directives, only sports-related events and activities would be allowed at the Karachi Sport Complex.

Administrator KMC Laeeq Ahmed said illegal activities could not be allowed at the complex. “Marriage hall and other encroachments were removed from the complex,” the administrator passed these remarks while visiting the Karachi Sports Complex. Senior Director Coordination Khalid Khan, Director Payroll Bilal Manzar, Director Sports Kanwar and other officials were also present on the occasion.

Ahmed said measures were being taken to turn the complex into sports city, and to make Karachi a centre of sports and cultural activities once again. He said Karachi had produced many cricketers, footballers, boxers and other sportsmen who had performed at international level for Pakistan. He said the complex was equipped with all facilities yet youth was unable to make use of these facilities.

He said the swimming pool at the complex was the largest swimming pool in Pakistan, and directed the Sports Director to make arrangements so that people could come along with their families.

Myawaki Forest

The administrator said the miyawaki forest was the need of the hour to cope with environmental pollution. Karachi was a densely populated city and plantation was badly needed. The forest would not only increase oxygen but it would beautify the city, the administrator passed these remarks while signing a memorandum of understanding between the KMC and NED University of Engineering and Technology.

He said the university would plant 300 miyawaki trees to increase the beauty of Karachi, and the KMC was taking all-out measures to make the city green. He also asked the other government institutions to come up and work for the betterment of the city. Ahmed said that we all should play our due role to make the city beautiful by planting trees at our offices, homes and other places. NED University of Engineering and Technology Chancellor Hashmat Lodhi said that the varsity was with the KMC in plantation campaign and its thousands of students were ready to work for the beatification of the city.

Originally published at The News