Special Technology Zones Authority (STZA), launched by Prime Minister Imran Khan the other day is a significant step forward to bolster the country’s IT sector having the potential to provide not only enormous job opportunities to the youth but also earn invaluable foreign exchange through exports.
“The specific mandate of STZA is to facilitate the development of Special Technology Zones (STZs) in the country. These STZs will feature some of the leading global high-tech enterprises with major national tech companies, research institutes, new-technology-based firms, startups, business support services, and convening and community facilities, representing model collaborative spaces for innovation and entrepreneurship promotion,” says a press release issued by the PM House here yesterday.
It said that the zones will help increase high-tech exports of Pakistan and facilitate technology transfer from major global science and technology hub.
According to it, the launch has marked the beginning of facilitating the establishment of a national collaborative knowledge-based ecosystem by bringing together government, industry, universities, and research and development entities for new industrial development.
The STZA will be the leading government body mandated to promote dynamic national innovation system in Pakistan.
Amer Ahmed Hashmi, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and a senior strategic management professional with extensive global experience of high-tech development and innovation-focused triple-helix formation, has been appointed Chairman of the Authority.
It merits to mention here that new industrial clusters consisting of the agglomerated functioning of science & research parks, high-tech development zones, innovation districts, special economic zones, and industrial parks, have not only led to rapid industrialization and social development of countries like China, Japan, and South Korea but also have become the global best practice for high-speed growth and development.
Addressing the launching ceremony of STZA, Prime Minister Imran Khan was optimistic that fast-track innovation-driven high-tech development leveraging the growth potential of domestic IT sector could serve as the guarantee for smart industrialization for high-quality shared domestic growth and common prosperity.
He said the advanced knowledge acquisition is important for the youth to take the country towards growth, progress and competitiveness.
Originally published at The nation