Pak-EPA Director General Dr. Farzana has said the federal government is taking initiatives to improve air quality in the Pakistan.

Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) Director General Dr. Farzana has said the federal government is taking initiatives to improve air quality in the Pakistan.

She told reporters that air quality in the country especially in Punjab worsened every winter due to crop burning in India, but during the current year, the government had taken measures to tackle air pollution and protect the environment for humans as well as birds in the air. The DG said various human health problems such as asthma, allergies, chronic bronchitis, lung infections, coughing, irritation of the eyes, infections, and various cancers are caused or exacerbated by the effects of smog during the winters.

She said in order to mitigate the factors behind smog, there is a need to adopt a further emergency preventive measure, 24 hours monitoring of air quality and increase media awareness.

She said urban air pollution in the country is among the world’s most severe, significantly damaging human health, quality of life, economy and environment.

The DG said the burning of solid waste and crop stubble is already banned and FIRs are registered against the violators.

She said the EPD had so far installed air quality monitors in different cities of Punjab.

The DG said the government had already taken concrete steps, including planting trees, banning brick kiln operations and shifting brick kiln industry towards zig zag technology.

Originally published at The News

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