business, shift business, time

With the pandemic bringing a plethora of mobility issues to the fore, digitizing your businesses is the need of the hour and, not to mention, a lucrative business strategy in the long-term. As a result, COVID-19 has paved the way for several e-commerce start-ups, robust digital strategies, and remote employment opportunities.

business, shift business, time

A thought leader in the tech ecosystem, Google has extended its work from home policy until 2021. With industry bigwigs displaying unprecedented flexibility and setting the pace of new normal in the industry, more and more companies are expanding their scale of operation and powering through the ‘old normal.’

As companies maneuver around the perils of quarantine; interviews, jobs, team building, and training have gone digital. Luckily, the ever-burgeoning tech industry has made it easy for companies and employees to adjust to the demands of the post-COVID world.

Enterprise resource planning software solutions companies such as SAP have enabled companies to stay in business and not close shop amid the pandemic.

Zoom, on the other hand, has blurred the geographical limitation between home and offices, and shrunk the risk of employees working in silos and feeling isolated.

So whether you want to huddle up for a quick brainstorm session or conduct training sessions via web conferencing, just hit the dial button and it is business as usual.

Not only has the tech industry absorbed most of the consequential threats posed by the pandemic, but tech giants such as Intel have also accelerated access to technology in patient care, scientific research, and e-learning.

Many doctors took the ‘new normal’ as the perfect opportunity to rebrand themselves and go digital. Not only does this benefit both parties, but it also brings comfort to have a doctor on your WhatsApp in times of a global health crisis.

Similarly, digitizing the education sector has translated into a regular income for teachers and unhindered, immersive learning experiences for children from the confines of their homes.

As a result, the rapidly evolving digital sector and the newfound strategic potential of technology have enabled businesses to cut down their losses, if not eliminate them.

The speed and flexibility required for this shift have turned into a challenge for small and medium enterprises that a) had not invested heavily in technology and b) don’t have the budgets to do it anytime soon.

The situation also served as a reality check for big companies who had previously chosen to be the ‘oak tree’ and resisted change for as long as they could.

Most businesses have now realized that the shift to digital is not an option anymore, it has become a necessity if they want to thrive in times of financial volatility.

The good news, however, is that many bigger companies have finally tapped into their idle potential and digitized their scale of operation.

On the other hand, while some start-ups couldn’t survive the COVID blizzard, the majority of them found angel investors and venture capitalists based on the potential of their product or service.