Plastic Bag Bans At Pharmacies And Fruit Vendors

Plastic Bag Bans, The Lahore High Court on Saturday banned the use of plastic bags at all pharmacies

Plastic Bag Bans At Pharmacies And Fruit Vendors

Fruit vendors in the provincial metropolis and gave them a 15-day deadline to comply with the order and switch to alternative shopping bags.

Plastic Bag Bans, Justice Shahid Karim, in his ruling on a petition, directed the Environment Protection Department to ensure the implementation of the order. He also ordered the department’s director general to issue directions to regional officers to enforce the ban in districts of Gujranwala, Sialkot, and Faisalabad.

Subsequently, the court adjourned the hearing until Sept 9.

Earlier in February, the high court had banned the use of plastic bags at all megastores in Lahore, saying the plastic bags were a major cause of environmental pollution.

This news was originally published at