Pakistan’s first 3D ventilator prototype will be ready soon

A group of Pakistani scientist and biomedical engineers announced that the first 3D ventilator prototype will be ready for testing in 10 days to combat Covid-19 severity.

Pakistan’s first 3D ventilator prototype will be ready soon

A group of Pakistani volunteers called ‘Pakistan Against Covid-19 – Volunteers’ (PAC-V) plans to use modern 3D printing to indigenously produce affordable ventilators, respiratory valves and other essential equipment at large scale.

These volunteers have come together to develop affordable solutions to combat Covid-19. PAC-V group comprise of doctors, biomedical professionals, engineers, academics, Pakistani diaspora, resource mobilizers, and other small groups.

Dr. Bilal Siddiqui, Initiative Lead of PAC-V briefing the scribe said, “all volunteers of our group are concerned about the emerging challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, and its unprecedented critical stress on the healthcare system of Pakistan.”

“Lack of medical equipment to cater the needs of patients is a major bottleneck. Affordable and optimized medical equipment in Pakistan is totally missing,” he further told.

These Pakistani professionals aim at 3D printing and manufacturing of ventilators, valves and required equipment for frontline response to Cornonavirus. The group has announced that the first 3D ventilator prototype will be ready for testing in 10 days.

Due to the high demand of ventilators and other medical equipment, manufacturers are unable to fulfill growing requirements. Logistics is also becoming a hurdle for developing countries to acquire this essential equipment to fight against the coronavirus war.

The group is getting and seeking support from national and international organizations, socially responsible corporations, and philanthropist to scale up the initiative for larger impact that requires resources and facilitation at different levels to deal the Covid-19 crisis situation.

Dr Bilal started this initiative with his students and reaching out to academia and industry to develop affordable, reliable, and replicable solutions.

The PAC-V active collaboration is currently focused on developing local design and engineering solutions to make available the low-cost respiratory ventilators. These ventilators are lifeline of the Covid-19 patients suffering in severe condition.

Other equipment includes portable oxygen supplies, face masks and protection screens, respiratory valves, viral media tubes, non-contact thermometers, retrofitting existing vents to serve multiple patients; and arranging 3D printing farms.

The nation has joined in contributing to prototyping and a number of said items are already moving into testing, including field validations. The group members are in touch with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), hospitals, provincial governments and a large number of contributing organisations across the country.