UVAS partnerhip Bu ali sina uni boosting scientific education

The University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore (UVAS) and Bu Ali Sina Uni Iran signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance cooperation in scientific educational exchanges.

UVAS partnerhip Bu ali sina uni boosting scientific educationVice-Chancellor, UVAS Prof Dr Masood Rabbani and President Bu Ali Sina University Prof Dr Yaghoub Mohammad ifar signed the MoU in a ceremony held at City Campus Lahore.

Dean Faculty of Biosciences Prof Dr Habib ur Rehman, Prof Dr Kamran Ashraf and UVAS faculty members and official from Bu-Ali Sina University including Dr Ali Raza Sazmand were present in ceremony

Prof Dr Masood Rabbani while addressing the MoU ceremony spoke about the history of UVAS and its lead role for the development livestock sector in Pakistan.

He said UVAS have strong liaison with private sector and working closely with livestock, poultry and dairy industry and focus on problem solving research by using its knowledge and train manpower to solve different issues of industries.

He said this agreement would be very beneficial for both institutions especially from enhancing the education and research activities.

According to the MOU, UVAS and Bu Ali Sina Uni will exchange of professors student, staff and researchers for conferences, seminars, lessons, congresses, research, training courses, tutoring for degree thesis. Both institutions nominate principle not more than 5 students or fellows for exchange each academic year.

UVAS and Bu Ali Sina Uni will also exchange of publications and scientific informative material related to fields with each other. They will also jointly organize advanced study courses, seminars, research activities and training courses for the benefit of academics and students of both parties.