Citrus canker disease: When proteins involved in the antioxidant metabolism are high in concentration during the interaction of Xanthomonas citri.
The presence of nutrients depends on the soil properties plant growth nature and root interaction with microbes. Nutrients likewise potassium, copper, zinc, and phosphorus have a minor availability of soil.
Soil have essential micronutrient plants like molybdenum, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, have more resistant to citrus canker but boron has a middle effect on the disease severity. Application of these nutrients increases the resistant of plant against citrus canker causal organism Xanthomonas citri.
Such types of nutrients applied in fertilizer forms like zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate copper sulfate, boric acid, and ferrous sulfate. Through biochemical analysis of citrus leaves which are infected by citrus canker shows an increase in the level of phenols concentration and a decrease in amino acid concentration as related to the healthy leaves. Photosynthesis rate decreases due to the attack of citrus canker.
The correlation between nitrogen and disease development is a significant increase in nitrogen leads to an increase in disease but the optimum amount suppresses disease development.
Apply sufficient amount nitrogen on plants in response to different structures, amino acids, and protein produced in plants that help in plant development and increase defense mechanism in plant and control fungal and bacterial diseases.
In the case of the fungal pathogen, infection high level of nitrogen increases disease severity. While in the case of bacterial infection like Xanthomonas citri high level of nitrogen decrease the disease severity.
Phosphorus is the second most important nutrients of plant growth. A high level of phosphorus reduces the bacterial pathogen infection caused by Xanthomonas species it has experimented in the case of (BLB) bacterial blight of rice.
The optimum amount of potassium manages the bacterial disease and also decrease the susceptibility of plants against a bacterial pathogen. Cell wall production in plants through potassium also increases the defense mechanism of plants. In plants enzymatic action and stomata opening control by potassium.
The less quantity of potassium in the soil leads to bacterial disease. Presence of potassium in large amount it affects nutrients uptakes like calcium and magnesium. Also, the insufficient amount of potassium in plants disturbs the production of protein. A high level of potassium decreases the disease development caused by Xanthomonas species.
Calcium is the main constituent of making newly tissues of cells and performs cell membrane function. Insufficient amount of calcium decrease the level of sugars and amino acids in the cell membrane take place in the cytoplasm which damage cell wall function and cell wall become weak and entry of pathogen occurred which caused infection. A sufficient amount of calcium is responsible for the cell wall structure.
A sufficient amount of manganese in the soil is responsible for the suppression of bacterial diseases. It also increases the resistant of plants for both types of diseases caused by bacterial and fungal pathogens.
Decreased in the concentration of manganese increase the chance of infection caused by Xanthomonas species in citrus leaves and other many plants it damages the defense mechanism of plants also increases the susceptibility of plants.
In soil sufficient amount of zinc decrease the infection of the bacterial pathogen. It has been reported that zinc deficiency very sensitive to Xanthomonas species it decrease the defense mechanism of plants.
Due to deficiency of zinc plants become susceptible to infection of the pathogen. Zinc plays a vital role in the consumption of water and enhances the biochemical and metabolic process of plants.
High level of copper used for the management of citrus canker. A sufficient amount of copper decreases the susceptibility of plants and increases the defense mechanism against bacterial pathogen infection.
It plays a vital role in enhancing the resistant of plants against an attack of the pathogen. In citrus plants due to copper deficiency chlorosis occurred fruits drop and twigs towards decline.
It is an important constituent of chlorophyll and plays a vital role in plant metabolism. Its deficiency in citrus plants leads to fewer chlorophyll contents that cause chlorosis it affects the photosynthetic activity of leaves and the necrotic area produced in leaves.
It is also the main component of flavoproteins that include peroxidase and catalases. These proteins are responsible for the catabolic activities against bacterial pathogens and show defense mechanisms against bacterial infection. Its sufficient amount plays an important role in nucleic acid metabolism.
Sufficient amount of boron in soil not suitable for manage bacterial disease caused by bacterial pathogen like. It plays an important role in disease resistance and increases tolerance levels.
Due to less concentration of boron in citrus leaves the development of corky tissues occurred. It also decreases resistant to pest attack. Excess amount of boron consumes the phenolic compounds and flavonoids that are the main component of the defense mechanism of plants.