Visit of ISTIC China Delegation to Pakistan

A delegation of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) led by Zhao Zhiyun, Director General and Professor, Guo Dezheng, Associate Professor, Gao Fang, Associate Professor and First Secretary (Science & Technology) from Chinese Embassy in Pakistan visited Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre (PASTIC), Islamabad. ISTIC is the PASTIC’s counterpart organization in China.

Visit of ISTIC China Delegation to Pakistan

The main objective of the visit of ISTIC delegation was to dig out avenues of mutual collaboration between PASTIC and ISTIC to facilitate research and development activities between the two countries.

The delegation was received at PASTIC by Director General PASTIC Prof. Dr. Akram Shaikh, and a team of senior officers from PSF and PASTIC. On their arrival the delegation was taken for a round of PASTIC to give them an idea about the delivery of various S&T information services by the organization.

Later on DG PASTIC delivered a comprehensive presentation about PASTIC services and activities and the future plans. Afterwards, the Director General ISTIC Zhao Zhiyun informed about ISTIC role in the national science, technology and innovation system of China and that how it is playing a major role in the national S&T system of China. She further elaborated that most of the ISTIC China services are quite similar to PASTIC.

During discussion various areas have been identified for mutual collaboration including sharing of S&T information resources, information resource management, capacity building on academic trainings for S&T information professionals, Scientometrics analysis and S&T Report Services etc.

It was mutually agreed that initially both the organizations should sign a general MoU to develop collaboration for sharing of mutual resources and expertise for S&T/R&D based socio economic development under CPEC Road and Belt initiative.

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