UAE-operator Etisalat aims to stay ahead in 5G race

UAE-based telecom operator Etisalat is rolling out 5G network base stations this year in a bid to stay ahead of its Middle East peers. Etisalat had signed agreements with Ericsson and Huawei to roll out 5G networks in the UAE.

UAE-operator Etisalat aims to stay ahead  in 5G race

The current 5G speed is about 1GHz in the UAE but the speed will grow faster next year. At around 20 times faster than 4G and with ultra-low latency of one millisecond compared to 15-20 millisecond on 4G network,

Dr. Ahmed Bin Ali, senior vice-president for corporate communications at Etisalat Group stated that “We have launched and broadcasting 5G network over 1,000 new base stations scattered all over the UAE. The number of base stations will be increased year after year but it will take some time to cover 100% of the UAE.”

Etisalat is focusing more on the populated areas of the UAE and installed the first 5G base station in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia region at Dubai Expo 2020 site in May last year.

Telecom operator etisalat is also the first regional operator to provide 5G coverage inside an airport in Abu Dhabi and to launch a 5G smartphone.
Moreover, the 5G technology will enable users to stream live 4K resolution video anywhere at any time, with virtually no lag.