The encrypted messaging service app ‘WhatsApp’ has revealed a security flaw in its system that could have allowed hackers access to its users’ phones.
Whatsapp had discovered and fixed the vulnerability the attackers had sought to exploit. The hackers could implant malicious code on a victim’s phone by placing a voice call to the victim on WhatsApp. Victims may not even have needed to answer the call for their phone to be infected.
WhatsApp spokesperson said in a statement that the attack has been done from the private company but didn’t named, that works with governments to deliver spyware.
Investigative source disclosed that the company is NSO Group, an Israeli cyber company that has developed a powerful piece of malware designed to spy on its victims.
NSO replied to the investigative source by saying that, its technology was licensed to government agencies “for the sole purpose of fighting crime and terror,” adding that those agencies determine how the technology is used without any involvement from the company.