Alishbah Roobi*, Muhammad Naeem Faisal,Noreen Aslam Lunbna Majeed,Samia Ali
Institute of Pharmacy, Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.Uncontrolled growth of the breast cells is known as breast cancer. It is more common in women. In some rare cases it is also diagnosed in men.
It mostly affects ducts as compared to the lobules of the breast. It is most common cause of death among the women. Only 10% of the women with breast cancer inherited with abnormality in genome i.e BRCA1 and BRCA2.
Normally these genes are responsible for repairing the damage cell and cell growth.According to the research conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) there are more than 100 types of cancers.
All the types of cancer are usually named after the specific organs or tissues affected and breast cancer is most alarming among them. Most common prevalence in white people.
Symptoms of breast Cancer
Causes of breast cancer
The precise causes of breast cancer are unclear but some risk factors identified likewise, hormonal, lifestyle and environmental factors that may increases risk of breast cancer.
One in eight women suffers with breast cancer development throughout their lifetime but risk factor is not equal for everyone. Chances of developing breast cancer depend on a combination of genome and body structure, lifestyle in the surrounding environment.
Risk Factors
- Personal health issues
- Poor diet
- Lack of physical activity
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Child feeding management
Testing and Screening
Breast MRI, Chest X-Ray, Mamograms and PET scans can helps in the diagnosis of breast cancer
Surgery, Postoperative radiation therapy and systemic postoperative therapies are involved in the treatment of breast cancer. Radiation therapy is used to remove the breast lump as radiations can kill the cancerous cells.
Prevalence of breast cancer in Pakistan
Breast cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer, and its ratio is higher among the young women in Pakistan. It is reported that each year more than 83,000 deaths occur due to breast cancer. About 80% of young girls diagnosed with breast cancer which is alarming.