Pakistan becomes third prevalent importer of tea in globe

Pakistan becomes the third prevalent importer of tea in the globe, pay out approximately Rs54 billion yearly on the asset. Pakistan imports tea from 17 different countries and the import climb by 8.63 per cent in the first half of 2018-2019.

Pakistan becomes third prevalent importer of tea in globe

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) acknowledged the information that Pakistan imported tea worth over $250 million from July to December 2018, which was superior to over $230 million spent during the equivalent interlude of the last monetary year.

Agriculture experts, Pakistan National Tea and high value crops research institute and Pakistan Agriculture Research Council have recommended cultivation of tea on 64,000 acres area in Mansehra, Swat and parts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) to slash the national import bill of tea.

According to the FAO report, Global tea consumption and production are predictable to keep rising over the next decade, determined by vigorous demand in developing and emerging countries. This will create new rural income opportunities and improve food security in tea-producing countries.

As, in our country Pakistan National Tea is regarded as an essential hospitality drink and with this regard the national import bill of tea mounted and positioned Pakistan as the third prevalent importer.

PARC National Tea & High Value Crops Research Institute