China bolster Scientific cooperation with B&R countries

China is willing to strengthen Scientific cooperation with B&R (Belt and Road) countries like Pakistan. A Belt and Road international science organizations alliance commence in Beijing with the aim of tackling major scientific challenges.

China bolster Scientific cooperation with B&R countries

China scientific cooperation along with the Belt and Road in scientific research on environmental and climate change, biodiversity and epidemics and infectious diseases.

The Alliance of International Science Organizations in the Belt and Road Region, (ANSO), was initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

ANSO, which is non-profit and non-governmental, will include more than 40 national, regional and international scientific and research institutions.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences will enhance science cooperation and services to support countries and regions participating in the Belt and Road Initiative in global common issues.

The alliance will help further improve exchanges and coordination for all the existing cooperative science projects in the Belt and Road countries.

Some examples of fruitful science cooperation include Chinese scientists partnering with peers from Pakistan and Sri Lanka to improve further and mitigation capabilities.

The construction of Gwadar port under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as an example of close scientific cooperation.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has built nine overseas science and education centers and carried out more than 100 scientific collaborative projects conducting research on the environment, resources, biodiversity, health and new drugs with countries and regions along the Belt and Road since 2013.

Pakistan is going to benefit from the alliance because it will provide opportunities for Pakistani scientists to communicate and learn from their counterparts from China, Russia and other countries along the Belt and Road.

The alliance will help further improve exchanges and coordination for all the existing cooperative science projects in the Belt and Road countries. The alliance will improve communications between the nations, and good communication leads to good relations.