Dr. Yusuf Zafar, Chairman Pakistan Agricultural Research Council has graced the inauguration of “Sindh Province’s Soil Fertility Atlas Study Report” accompanied by Grace Shelton who is the US Consul.
This joint venture is the part of a collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC), USAID, and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The purpose for Soil Fertility Atlas for Sindh is to give complete information about the type of soil. It will give information about fertility, fertilizers trends, native practices, a management strategy for soil from normal to constrained so that improvement can be brought at the resource level.
“It’s been 50 years of partnership between USA & Pakistan still continues for improving its agricultural sector and especially rural communities”, said the Consul General Grace Shelton while speaking at the occasion.
Department of Agriculture and Agency for International Development of US are helping Pakistan to share their technology and ability for the improvement of the economy for local farmers and their families.
“The launch event was closing of the project but it is also the beginning of a collaboration between farmers and the private sector. This farmers’ association is for the promotion of nutrient in the enhanced and improved production of crops”, said Francisco Gamarro, Deputy FAOR Pakistan.
The Atlas is completely based on the statistics of agriculture, field assessments, and source data collected from both federal & provincial departments and the agencies.
At various location across the Sindh series of workshops were conducted for collecting the information and experience from stakeholders at the nation and provincial level especially major crop growers such as wheat, rice, cotton, maize, and sugarcane growers.
In many developing countries loss of soil fertility, I a threat to food security. Using fertilizers in proper amount on low or fertile soil is used for growing more and promoting diversification of crops.