Pakistan’s Hawa wind farm with over 1 GW of wind capacity scheduled to be built in the country by 2018. Modern Energy Management will provide project management services for Hawa wind farm.
Management (MEM) is engaged to provide project management services during construction of the 50-MW Hawa wind farm in the Sindh Valley, Pakistan. Management (MEM) is a specialist in delivering project lifecycle certainty to renewable energy developers, financiers, and investors. Construction on the project is expected to be completed for initial power production in February 2018. The construction will be managed by HDEC, a subsidiary of Power China.
MEM’s first involvement in the Hawa project came when recommending Canadian renewable energy IPP, JCM Power, on investing in the Pakistani wind market. Working directly with the IPP and using its own Investment Grade Verification (IGV) service, MEM carried out pre-screening and initial due diligence, as well as helping the investor in de-risking the project following financial close.
MEM has now appointed to offer project management services during the construction with JCM Power.
“We had already partnered with MEM in other emerging markets, so we are aware of the firm’s expertise in securing projects of an investment grade standard,” Jon Bahen, JCM Power. “We look forward to continuing our work with the business as the Hawa wind farm moves towards construction completion”.
Aaron Daniels, Managing Director, Modern Energy Management said, “At MEM we believe that the Pakistan wind energy market offers an excellent opportunity for emerging market investors. Our unique approach in bridging the various development silos – financial, commercial, and technical – enables us to reduce costs and de-risk projects in emerging markets, significantly improving the internal rate of return for investors. In this instance, our market knowledge enabled us to identify the Hawa Energy Project as that which best suited JCM Power’s requirements”.