AWS Build offers an online, self-paced curriculum with weekly live virtual engagements, technical office hours, business-led Ask Me Anything sessions, & peer-to-peer networking events.

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AWS Build is a new global program launched by Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an, Inc. company (NASDAQ: AMZN), to assist entrepreneurs as they begin their cloud journeys by providing resources to build, hone, and launch their cutting-edge applications.

A cohort of up to 500 startup founders from around the world will be given business and technical advice over the course of 10 weeks in order to best utilise the adaptability and scalability of AWS’s tech stack when launching their Minimum Viable Products (MVP).

Moreover, startups will gain the technical foundations necessary to integrate the most cutting-edge cloud technologies—from analytics and serverless to artificial intelligence and machine learning—into their applications.

Additionally, to successfully launch their products, the programme will assist founders in making strategic choices regarding product development, idea monetization, where to find and when to use beta users, and other pertinent issues.

The program is now accepting applications, and they will be taken until September 22, 2023. On the website, startups can sign up for the AWS Build program.

“AWS Build was designed to support founders at the earliest stages of their startup journey, helping them turn their ideas into innovative products,” claims Howard Wright, vice president and global head of Startups at AWS. “Our aim is to usher in a new generation of startups that are leveraging the power of the AWS cloud in new ways, and to assist them in getting their fundamentals correct so they can be prepared to scale.”

AWS Build offers an online, self-paced curriculum with weekly live virtual engagements, technical office hours, business-led Ask Me Anything sessions, and peer-to-peer networking events. The program runs from October 9 to December 15, delivered in English. To benefit from AWS Build, startups need a working prototype and a technical leader.

The key to creating a scalable business, according to Amanda Herson, partner at Founder Collective, the top-ranked seed fund on the Forbes Midas List, is learning how to navigate the early stages of product development.

In order to bring stronger MVPs to market that are designed for efficiency and cost-effectiveness from the ground up—essential qualities to attract investors like us—founders will be able to tap into AWS’s deep technical expertise early on in their journey thanks to AWS Build.

AWS Build program offers up to $2,000 in AWS credits to selected founders to help build cloud-based products and services. Startups from around the world can apply, and founders who applied to previous accelerator programs but were too early-stage will be automatically invited. After the program ends, founders will join the AWS Build community, a global virtual network of peers and technical experts for continued collaboration and advice.

All applicants for the AWS Build program must sign up for AWS Activate, AWS’s startup hub, in order to apply. There, they can access self-service business and technical content on a variety of relevant topics, from legal advice and fundraising to technical documentation on solutions architecture and trending topics like generative AI.

As they progress along their cloud journey, applicants may also be qualified to apply for additional credit packages totaling up to $100,000 and take advantage of partner offerings through AWS Activate.