Role & Future Of Women In Technology & ICT

Our Women In Technology Seminar Has A Strong Focus On The Future Of Tech And The Unlimited Possibilities For Women Who Enter The Stem Fields.

Role & Future Of Women In Technology & ICT

The Fact That Women Are Still Severely Under-Represented In The Tech Industry Is A Daily Reality For Those Of Us Who Are Women In ICT.

We often find ourselves as the only woman in a room full of men; female representation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is slowly increasing; however, we believe that more awareness needs to be created around the endless opportunities for women in the field of information and communications technology, as well as the benefits for companies who employ women and support diversity in their organisations. Globally, the percentage of men in technology by far outweighs women in the tech industry with 72% of leadership relegated to men, leaving women the neglected minority.

Here at Women in ICT, a program founded by On The Ball College, we strive to empower and encourage women and youths to become tech-savvy; upskill themselves; enter the tech industry and follow one of the thousands of possible careers in ICT.

We have created a community that empowers, enriches, and engages with women of all ages, encouraging them into the sector and supporting them once they are in it.

At Women in ICT, our program by On The Ball College, we see the power in collaboration and see that the SA Innovation Summit feeds into this vision, which is why we have partnered with the SAIS2020, SA Innovation Summit to create awareness regarding the current and future opportunities for everyone, especially women, in ICT. SAIS aligns with this purpose and vision through its FEM-IN-TECH initiatives, giving women, youth and men the opportunity to access content and networks which weren’t as accessible in the past.

May we continue to encourage young women to enter ICT, and support them when they do.

*Kim Palmer is the Founder & Director of On The Ball College & Women in ICT Founder.

**The South African Innovations Summit is taking place from 30 September – October 1st this year and promises to be a spectacular event that should not be missed.

This news was originally published at