How Generation Z Can Change University Education?

Education has always been one of the most significant steps in our lives. We face it from the very beginning and continue to the very end. Our life is rushing forward and changing every day, and so do people.

How Generation Z Can Change University Education?

Yet, does the education system keep the same pace? Unfortunately, it can hardly be defined as one of the most progressive spheres of life. Thus, it is the responsibility of Generation Z to put an end to the old standards of education and pave the way for a better future.

What is generation Z?

People who were born after 1995, also known as “Homelanders”, are considered to be Generation Z. According to the Strauss-Howe generational theory, these people create our nearest future that will change everything. People born in the late nineties and early 2000s were engaged in the world of new inventions from the very beginning.

They are keen on new technologies, tablets, VR and other gadgets. All the innovations, that their parents called “advanced technology” are already just a part of everyday life of Generation Z. They are expected to be interested in biomedicine, robotic technologies and art. They are a fully digital generation that may change the future with the help of fresh thinking and modern gadgets.

What is wrong with university education?

Some people may think, that education in universities has developed and evolved over hundreds of years, so it ought not to be radically changed by some new generation standards. Unfortunately, life is never that easy. There are some main problems with the process of education and studying in most universities:

  • hierarchy subordination;
  • following strict rules;
  • outdated knowledge base.

First of all, students nowadays are still afraid to express their opinion and speak up for themselves because of the strict hierarchy that was forming in universities for decades. The senior professors and lecturers have unlimited power over the students and may even apply penalties if someone is trying to disobey them.

Second, some universities still try to suppress the individuality of students to make it easier to control them. They are not allowed to bring tablets with all the studying materials on them, have their phones on the desk in order to quickly find some information on the Internet, or sometimes even to put forward a new theory that contradicts the previous knowledge.

Finally, one of the biggest problems ever existed in universities is outdated information that will be completely useless in future. The massive layers of knowledge were forming for hundreds of years and are focused on the global understanding of the world.

Yet because of the appearance of new technologies and the Internet, everything can be found online in a matter of seconds, so there is no sense in clogging your brain with it. Humanity has made a tremendous breakthrough in the last few decades and for that reason, the old system of education in universities must be left in the past as well.

How can it be changed by Generation Z?

Generation Z is people who have no other choice but to break down all the previous standards of education and give life to a completely new way of studying. The main points are:

  • accept diversity;
  • upgrade and modernize the process of education;
  • change the way we look at the world.

The young generation does not judge people by their sexual orientation, race, gender, age, religious or political views. They accept everyone and believe that there is something new to learn from each of us. Consequently, this position in life can change the way people are treated by fellow students and lecturers in universities. It may help them to be more confident in themselves, to accept their real nature and not to be afraid of expressing their mind to others.

Generation Z will invert the old system of studying, when students were sitting in the classrooms with books. Instead, they will bring modern technologies into the process of learning and modernize it. Many subjects may be learnt from home with the help of the Internet and Skype. Online education will take over control, as it is more convenient and effective nowadays.

Science will be explored through VR technologies and academic works will be much easier to make. Writing academic papers, courseworks or just essays will not be a problem for those, who want to bring something new in this world. Nonetheless, if you are not quite sure whether you can do such kind of work yourself, there is already an online source Pro-Papers, which can help you to write whatever you want.

Finally, Generation Z will not only change the system of education and the methods of studying but also the way people perceive the world around them. Teachers of the old school will not push towards the obsolete cramming of useless and outdated information; instead of that, they will help young students to find their strengths and push them to their limits to test themselves and to do their best.

The students in universities and at home will actually learn what they are truly interested in without spending countless hours wasting their life for nothing. Generation Z and global modernization will help everyone to enjoy their lives, provided that modern technologies will be used as intended and will not be overused.

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