NRTC latest drone technology to tackle growing threats

The National Radio Transmission Corporation (NRTC) has come up with its very own anti-drone jammer to combat the prevalent and increasing threats of the drone technology. NRTC showcase the valuable product at the ongoing IDEAS 2018 International Defense Expo.

NRTC latest drone technology to tackle growing threats

Drone technology comes out as one of the prevalent threats in the ever changing world of modernized warfare. Drones are eagerly available in the market and are more than capable in carrying dangerous weapons on the board.

Raza Haider, Project Manager of Robotics department at NRTC addressed at IDEAS 2018 Expo ‘How to tackle the growing most sensitive drone threat’.

PM NRTC added that now a time, the leading threat are drones, one can easily interfere any susceptible facility and can throw down missiles over it, so what can we do to counter it. So, keeping the goal NRTC come up with the anti-drone jammer.

The anti-drone jammer, as the name suggests jams the frequency of the drone on which it is being operated. The jammer stops the drone their and then, which is demolish afterwards.

NRTC project manager informed that the jammer has gone through successful trial and error, and would soon be part of the Pakistan military arsenal.

The drone comes packed with a thermal imaging camera, which can be used for border security and video surveillance. Our drones are manufactured, keeping in view of the military needs and it boosts long endurance and long payload capacity, which is not available in commercial drones, exposed the NRTC.

NRTC, with 48 years of history is the only military telecom industry in Pakistan that mount the whole value chain from research, design, development, manufacture, testing, qualification, repair and maintenance and disuse management.

Drones are coming in handy for two reasons: their precision and psychological effect. Many concerned only with the military aspect, such as whether or not drones are precise enough and the casualties they incur. Drone Tech can done only through unconditional cooperation’s and requires being sensitive to that one.